The old man’s messenger, lovimi Amech, has said that Nigerian political politics are often starting to take a decision to make decisions.
Amach said this in Abijija in Nizer of Nifja World Role in Niferia, organization and development.
The old river officials State, who directed in politics, warned that the power should be beaten, promoted to use their votes if they want to achieve their leadership.
“No one of you was sitting down what he could protect the votes. If you regret, murmur, Nigerians have been scattered. The only way Ibrahim was a governor, people went in.
“It happened in Ghana before she selected the last President. Two days, many of us were called to intervene. But why did they do this? People were willing to die.
“You are talking to the abuse of anyone. No one has power and gives you – even if I want a pastor as president, go take one.
“The politician in Nigeria for Aba, Maim, and kills, and kills to remain strong. If you think tubes can give you,” she said.
All jewelry of Congress, APC, President Aspidentia in 2023 his choice, helped you again in the days of APC President, PDP.
He was well said about APC by determination and preparing the party leaders to go far away.
According to the former President Jonathan Jonathan realized that APC was prepared to protect its money, citizens that match the decisions of future.
In October 2024, Amae said he was disappointed with Nigerian people because of what they slept financially.
Meanwhile, the controlled apc hit the ketches, I say it’s one of them who destroyed Nigeria.
Amachlo was one of 14 Assayons who were looking for the APC ticket before 2023.
District the second one in the first 316 votes, behind the winner of the winner, which are secured 1,271.
The thoughts are writing: 135