With James Irwich
Anspenta – less than nine people were confirmed by the Federal Rotem Commission that occurred around Aytoror on Lagos-Idadan, yesterday.
Vanguard collected that the other three have suffered injury.
The accident, which took place about 5:30 AD Roard driver reported that they couldn’t control and shoot in the sprift.
Octun STATE Bolo Bolo Bolo Bolo, Florence Okpe, says: “The electronic pain occurs in the days of 0530hrs in Lagos-Ibadan Center.
13, 13 people, in addition to 10 older men and nine males killed (nine men and three women) injured.
“The causes of deadly accidents was very fast and tired, which made the best drive and driver started to control the vehicle.
“The victim was taken to HALTOBI, how was the deceased in the place of why Sagmu.”
9 documents die like a sheep’s sheep bulbs on lagos-Ibedan Explyvay’s first appeared on Vanguard News.