By errors in erorjoh
Popkoja, Nigeria – January 24, 2025
By moving courage to reduce the lessons in Kogi State, Kazisite Ahmed UdTman Ododo, FCA, will also help participants to the Terutures across the state. Reproduced by the governor Joel Sapapolo at a glass house, a government, a government, whose civilization gave its development.
According to the words of the emperuel, press a secretary to the governor’s ambassador, who wants to spend money for students and their families. “8,750 students will receive ₦ 30,000 each like money, while the school students received a lot of money.
Governor Roodo has determined the importance of education, explains, “subjects was the hardest weapon by treating cases.” She also announced that sufficient education ₦ 5 million due to the missing nupile hi, a disciple who protected the European Union Europe
The governor urged the students to focus on their studies, to avoid distractions, and it also contributes to the Kog. Recreamed of the graduation education from all the Get Terti licenses, showing commitment to improve the talent within the state.
Governor Ruler also appreciated President Beture Addable Tibou for its education.
An unchanged way
The seat of the Kog State Ten States, Mr. Aflabba Joseph Richi, she also appreciated the help of the governor’s help without easy education. Revealed that the backup and training and free and free of freedoms are completely loose and focus on the cost of the participants.
To make sure to appear, the board has been placed with a remita to support electrical system. Raji also realized that students with special hospitals would be lucky to seek the West courses.
Grateful from training leaders
Prof. Salus Uman Ogbo, Kogi State Polytechic, shook the arrangement of keeping a regular calendar in public squads. He also encouraged OBOdoo projects and called a post office, calling examples from countries like the Ango and Akom Ibom.
The same, Commissioner of a course, hoh. Yes Ojo Jones, with a special adviser for ambassadors, hom. Odurogest, praisers buttons. He described as a way of doing the students, encouraging them to do well.
Dr. Mrs. Follashmed Ayika Aye Eye Ayde Ayyude Ayyude Ayye Aye, State, also, and also worship. He emphasized that the lesson is a strongest tool in your growth and encouraging students to do their education.
Subjects to New Places of Boi State volunteers to reject the best future due to their childhood education through the best education and brave training.
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