Only 9.6 societies of the primary school school in Kano State shows the read, and 11.2 percent has the basic number of numbers, United Nations Fund (Unicef) has said.
The major guidance of the Coron, Rahale Mohamite, said that Friday member of Chankas have been 2025.
Mohammed described the numbers if “call all affected,” stress at the cost of money to solve changes.
Writing 2021 Students, 989,234 schools of schools, 32 percent of the number 34% of the number – are not legally registered.
“This is not just the statistics; represents dreams and the future of almost one million children to minimize. A speedy act is required to solve the problem,” said.
To solve the problems, Mr Mauhammed said UNICEF has been activated, including qunic schools in the course of education.
He said more than 290 a Qur’anic and predictors in the Koana and Jigawa Stations have been taught that he had children to receive religious courses.
“Unicef has also helped her construction and water cleaning, cleanliness, and hygiene (washing) in the 195,610 Boys of Boys, Jig. 2,622.
Unicef was designed to make an effort to improve educational studies in teaching 1,109 in areas, such as using work and reading, at school only.
“We have added, we have given more than 630,249 instruments, first and basic education. This indicates to improve learning results,” added.
Unice appreciated all of the efforts of all – European Union of coicemulesition on courses and centrals of Cribes.
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“We also offer to work on the governments of the kano, Katina, and JIGEWA to achieve great educational results. Education is the corner, and we shouldn’t let these children,” the Moham’thei said.
The day of the world’s educational day determines the importance of the victims to handle the problems of Chono’s children.
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