Bill Gates Pursued Divorce with Melinda as “her great sorrow”
In an honest communication with The London Times Propagated on Saturday, Bilioneea phillantthropist and the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates explained the division and melindi Gates, and call “the mistake I feel very sad” in her life.
The older, 69-year-old technology, admitted that despite the failures of the failures, the end of his 27-year-old marriage and melondi is still on the list of regrets. “There are others, but it doesn’t matter,” she said Gates. “A divorce was sad for me and Melinda for at least two years.”
The painful subject
Bill and Melinda Gates, who married in 1994, announced their separation in May 2021 after a different year. The family, with three children, Jennifer, 28, Rory, 25, and Poebe, 22, remained a good relationship for the family.
“Melinda and Melinda is still reflected – we have three children, so there is a family experience. Children running well. They have good qualities, “Gates.
Although it was difficult, Gates showed hopes on his mind, nut, “I’m very happy now.” However, he accepted that the end of his family would still bother him.
Since their divorce, both Bill and Melinda start loving affection, and she is said to date with others. Even though they were separated, the two were still volunteers in their colleagues through Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which looks at the world’s health, and solve poverty.
A non-sad cone
Although Gates’s views on his divorced format reveals a personal part of technical image, which helps in technical and charities continue to express their inheritance. As they walked this new chapter in his life, Gates still looks for his family and purpose to resolve the most difficult situation in the world.
The Bureau’s newspaper will continue to follow the story and give updates on the road of Bill Gates and how they affect the world.
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