The second to the purezide Kashim Shatima has installed 15 Megavolt-amperres (MV))
Speaking in the shipped College of agricultural College Rural Africa, Shetima emphasized the traffic lights on the electricity, explaining the situation of sudden events. He called the security agencies and citizens to protect the electrical space to protect the disturbances that have financial problems.
“The most common work in Nigeria has occurred in Nigeria because of the crime of reminding us of construction. This forces us to act on the National Electricity -” Second President.
New part to Bolster lights
A place of origin, which was imprisoned by the NIGER Company Company (Ndphc), has 1x15MVa, 3kv 33km of low, and 500Ko-divided.
According to Shetima, an inheritance changes electricals in Wordoguri and its circuit to develop electricity, reduces power, and supporting economic activity.
“The work is recommended for the development, added small and median businesses, and supported the required tasks. If we have made great sacrifices, electricity, electricity,” said.
Invitation to do things
As the chair of the NDPPh, shetima has gone for a company’s donation in Nigeria Energe Gracation, and see that their part as a large majority of the world’s most powerful team. He was determined to make a NGPC efforts to build more than 40% of the Nigeria, which are driven by the publisive company in Nigeria (TCN).
Although this happened, shetima agreed to the EXPRONT EXCLUS VIEWAYS THAT NIGERIA who spent these obstacles in the presence of President.
The second President encouraged the inhabitants of Theodorri to protect the new sector and other energy offices from destruction, a combination of which moves are required to improve your session.
“Our Responsibility To Protect These buildings is essential for the purpose of making a difference and make sure that it is all,” he said.
A change in northern changes in the east
Sheetima stood the importance of an electronic age to buy, especially in the northeast, to further a regular grid and meets the requirements of a region.
The Terms of Viddent’s second strategies reflects the process of recitinging Nigerian activities and puts what can sell the economy and added to the lives of citizens.
The thoughts are writing: 110