Thursday, Victor Esheigbe, A craki Edoko State, also witnessed that it was a group of people who go to Dedal (PDP)
ENigbe, the Witness name
Agrestian Agency in Nigeria says Edo Bunual concrete parts moved to Abinal started following reporting reports in violence in Edo.
Requests – Aruwe Lighto and PDP – condemnation to the success of the governor of the governor of the oxypes of All the moving movement (APC) in Production’s traction.
While, the three Witnesses testifies.
Even to give evidence, ENIGBE realized and confirming the shipment of EC1a, including deficiencies and copies of agents.
During the testing, independent National Elecotal Commission (ACC), Kugabi, San, doubted the evidence of evidence.
He felt that the Witness was not signed as EC8b of Ward 9, which was used to drive a fire.
“Since you have not signed, what guarantee do you have for the weld Coller’s System?” Agabi asked.
The Witness replied that he did not recognize inconsistencies, which made her not writing to the text.
Agab also asked the evidence of her evidence, emphasizing that he did not mention any decision.
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Earthquakes designed to be made up of the direction when APC advice, the Assuine Ussengers Together Together Together Together Together Together Again.
When the Witness said 71 was approved to the Internet Votes 001, BVAS reports showed 252 tasks to the voters.
Similarly, unit 003 had 262 voters, but was shown in BVAS.
Emmanuel, San, who appears to the Zepebolo, raised anxiety about incompatible with what was written.
A doubt noted other interests, as the form of EC8B and EC8C, which was with friends who did not mention with Ectarparts.
“Can you prove whether the statistics in EC8b equals ECA?” Mr uala asked.
The wrong case we complained, “the Witness responded.
Security is suspicious as a BVAS and a solid copies were shown to be reconciled to the driver.
The evidence assured the action, he said no formal formation.
At Mria’s charges explored the Witness’s heating for his choice of choice.
Nevertheless, the Agaria and other protective laws refused to urine the document, arguing that it was not described in the witness.
Although the person in the person, the court, the questionnairer Wilfred kpocho, ruled in favor of the people and accepted that it’s an agent as a witness.
Another Witness, PDP’s help from Oredo’s government, proved that his witnesses wrote the assumptions of the worst decisions.
A protective advice has hindered the evidence.
Agaria asked about Mr ISoee’s integrity with a part of a specified number.
The third Witness was a consecrated Witness from AC (1st replying) who made a BVAS system used in 133 quarters.
The Witness, Anthony IToodo, a technical employee from the ACC department, said he made the BVA system and other choices.
Told the court to have the device used in a choice.
The Carnal, appropriately acknowledged that the offerings are preached as a proof of evidence to be asking.
Ascinal set up to Friday to continue the test.
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