Purezidenti Moula Tibebu akutiuza mamembala a Lagos State House House of Msonkhano Wosaka, patadutsa milungu yake yovuta kwambiri komanso kugwiritsa ntchito molakwika udindo wawo.
Obaka was taken out of the titles on January 13, 2025, and her second time, Mobissool Arlora, immediately stoned as a speaker. However, the lakeas will continue to resist the interesting interest, explaining that it is unrelated and worthless.
Intervention of Our Web and political calculations
The same is known by the story The Bureau newspaper The President’s President suggested the rules for restorations to park, and mention to politics that can be removed. The system involves allowing Obaks to return as a temporary speaker before a specified title.
“The President has advised us to start repairing,” Lagos politicians revealed. “The bars will be restored, but for a short time to be blessed.”
Since the building is underlined by all the benefits of Congress (APC) rules, Timubs advice is expected to be installed without rejection. However, some of the laws are afraid of the surface of the abomination and retribution.
“We fear that restorating him will be like trying to attract a serpent after cutting his head cut,” the description said. “His backs can be dangerous.”
To establish this election, Timbana has invited Lagos Cubsmans, members of the Kaudge Coord Coins, Obas, and governor Babee Sit – Oo Switches in Abija Monda Mondai Monda Mondai Monda Mondai Monda.
Obaya’s difficulties to make it possible
Since its removal, ohuano refuses to enter the speaker, cancel an amanda to keep it. In recent meetings and ambassador sang – o Oo thelub to take up his belongings. The President accepted this.
Obas had also said that his display should be frustrating, saying that two of the villages had a job. However, the lawgestrs said this, I said that an ancient old meeting was used to use to disrupt.
The first maad says leopards on EFCC Probe
Successful, reports indicate that the first mother Disti intervened to prevent masher in constructing financial fails. However, the sources say the survey in his hands to continue.
Conflicts between the laws
The Timubth’s guidance has become a mixture between other laws that feel frustrated.
“Some of us are angry that the President is forcing us, but no one wants to be criticized as a party leader,” legally designed.
Obasi, who recently returned to the US, is that his interpretation was done with false mistakes. When we were accepted with his dignity in Ikeja, he was with him a guilty accusations of seeking him and his family on the day of his removal.
“My house was replaced by over 200 cops, my children couldn’t sleep in a house, and my wife was underneath,” she said.
Although these conflicts, a noma governor-Olub and Obaka is said to have been able to rescue her return as a speaker in the coming days.
With the lamps of the lagos of the Lagos, all eyes are all at the Ambiba, where we are expected to confirm and follow its instructions.