A National Arcyncy for food and drugs and controls (NaffDac) He has called The Power of Death to the people who were affected by drugs, especially those who start work and sell A drug or deaf product.
A The director-of the General of NEFDAC, Mobisto toyeyzecaused this Friday I’m talking about TV methods. They disagreed that The worst punishment they prohibit the wrongs, especially when their actions lead Most die, especially between the children.
False medicine and kills
Heyeye existed an event that a Children of Children was sold N13.000 is another publisher but N3,000 It’s another. Whenever The cheaper type was tested NOFD’s CANNA WORKSIt was found to be No mixtime.
To describe his disappointment, declared:
“You don’t have to put a gun to the baby’s head to kill them. Just give them evil products. This is why I want the penalty of death.“
Weak punishment of weakness of drugs
The Mr. NaffDac’s Bloyer Penalty of lending mistakes about drugs. He added to an instance of the capture by 225mg of tramadoldose can to cause death or brain damageHowever he just wasted a The five-year-old or best of N250,000.
He was disagreeed that the seizure of this type The useless barriersAs a crime can afford to buy easily.
“Who doesn’t know that a person can just get rid of N250,000 in ATM? It has a part of our problem – there is no way to try to stop the same case,” he complained.
Naffac appears legal rules and judges
Adoeeeeye determined that the fight against Drugs and selected drugs It’s required Agree with Senicary and National Assembly. Revealed that NaffAc works with rules to push Strrrs rules and restrictions to the offenders.
“If our laws are not strong enough or the judges is not strong, we will meet this. If you kill a child with the wrong medicine, you must die.“
This request has been relevant about conflicts on The appropriate penalties To drug users, with harmful acts Download distractionswhile others are contradictory Ways to help repair.
The thoughts are writing: 193