Only the thief can use a thief to teach a righteous course.
It was just from Jerusalem to Jericho and the apostles. He went up the brightest buses: “This rod,” said the leader of a terrorist group in words in a form of exchanging. “Is there anyone here who has handed the tithes of his tithes? If you have payed your tents to raise your hands.”
A few traders raised their hands. He told who went to one side. Then he said: “A yours of your tithing are stealing, and robbers. He has been abolished. Therefore, we are cheating.”
The guards only hidden the amount of money of who who were not titched.
You may not have heard the story before. But, in any case, you may feel the same way. Various Bible translations are rampant in churches. Those who tell us that it is really good. But whenever you hear such stories, it knows that it is false. No reason is more than that mean the false views of pastors.
You need to know that the clergy will help the “one message” to tell their religions to come to church, living in the congregation, and gives them much money. That is why, in the above, go aside until the thief to preach the message. Purpose is to intimidate people to give tithes that if they do not, God will send astray for clothes that they are robbing him. But you must recognize that a thief only applies to the justice to teach the way of righteousness.
Ruming and criminal
Jesus urges the believers to catch the stroll and seizures. He says:
“I am a gate of the sheep. All that came to them before they came in front of me, and the flocks, but the sheep did not listen.” (John 10: 7-8).
Who is robbers and robbers who jerus talked? Are they talking about men hit the streets? Are they speaking of the biggest robbers who keep our cars? Are they talking about the robbers “of Yahoo” who rob us of blind and computer-based computer? Or he speaks of the people who entered into our homes for the night?
Listen and understand. Shogged by fear of Jesus and the shepherds of our churches. The message of Jesus is that the pastors are called “Men of God” and Breaks and Churkers, kills, murder, and destroy. ” (John 10:10). He also explains about the first tone of the first one of Jeremiah:
“It’s written, ‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you will make it” an enemy of the steps. ‘” (Matt. 21:13).
In many ways, the existing in today’s world has no differences with profound lyrics in Martin Luther, when the priests maintained a Bank Catholic.
Monhan Techzeel was one of the people sent and pope to preach here. His messages were blameless: Give money to the Church, and your sin will be forgiven. As the pastor for today, they came with the famous:
“I just got money in the strings, the spirit from purgian.”
God’s Crutus
Today, shepherds who have a favorite shepherds to flight in the flock belong to the tenths. God asks:
“Will a man steal God? But you’re kidding me. ‘But you ask me, how do we cheat?’ How do we cheat on me? ‘ (Malachi 3: 8-9).
What the pastors hide from the ignorant Christians is that God did not count the believers in this text in Malachi; Was shepherds. The shepherds said, He was robbed by God was the Levites; The clergy of Israel of the Bible. As in these days, the pastors had the tithes and offerings of people, and it changed their work. (1 Sam. 2: 28-35).
Through Malachi, God is unsuspecting from the things of his colors:
“To you, O priests who scoff my name. But you ask, ‘How have we seen your name?’ You stop my food on my shine. ” (Malachi 1: 6-7).
The Levites were blowing the animals that people offer sacrifices and oodles and sicks. (Malachi 1: 8).
God Continues:
“This direction is for you, you priests. If you do not listen, and if you do not set your heart to honor my name, I will send the curse upon you.” (Malachi 2: 1-2).
Unlike Levi, their father their parent was fraud:
“The lips of the priest must save many things, for he is the Media of the Almighty. But you have turned away from your teaching.” (Malachi 2: 7-8).
Isn’t it still in today’s churches?
The Levites were tithing and the paths of tithes; In fact, refusing to widows, single, with those with divisions that God has kept. (Malachi 3: 5). Therefore, God commanded pastians:
“Bring up all of the tithes in the hands for food in the house.” (Malachi 3:10).
God’s people are not the shepherds and the priests as religious leaders today believe, but the poor are captive. Jesus says:
“It’s true, I tell you, because you have done a son and my sister, you did unto me.” (PAUSHI 2:40).
So they were the custodians who would baptize God not members of their church. But the modern vengeters have the Christians to believe that they are robbers. Average the Beasts of actually was shepherds stealing gifts that humans bring to God, not those who do not bring enough gifts or enough gifts.
Moses’ law did not refer to the curses on those who did not tithe. However, since the same innovatives were the ones needed to protect the sins of Israel, the greed of their avaries were at risk of setting the whole national.
Therefore, God promises to send Jesus; “His servant of the Agreement,” “Cleanse the Levites, and sanctify them as gold and silver.” (Malachi 3: 3).
In that way, God changed the Levize Leviological bondage after Aaron, with a new priest, and a new priesthood after Meliktureek. (Heb 27: 11-16). This has accomplished his old plan:
“I will set up another pastor, and it will feed, – my servant David. He will feed them and become a shepherd.” (Ezek. 34: 23-24).
This pastor is Whom there is none but Jesus Christ. He is as the high priest:
“The Lord will bring gifts in righteousness, and the sacrifices of Judah and Jerusalem shall be approved unto the Lord, as the days of old.” (Malachi 3: 3-4).
So when Jesus arrived, he declared:
All who came before I was born I was robbing and robbers. A thief just begun to steal and kill and destroy; I came to live, and have enough. I’m a good pastor. The Roman Shepherd provides its life for the sheep. Hand is not a shepherd. ” (John 10: 8-12).
Can you see now? Hand is a thief that comes to stolen, kill and destroy the pastor. In contrast, it is “a good shepherd.” Ornorceth, says Jesus:
“There will be a group with one shepherd.” (John 10:16).
This means that they all change themselves as shepherds today are false.
Later the Levites, there must be shepherds that still bear the Levites; to collect tithes. Then Jesus left the messenger:
“Not called ‘Rabbi’; because one of your teacher is your teacher, Christ, and you are in heaven. For ye shall not be called Your Member, Christ. ” (Matt. 23: 8-10).
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