Just as political originated in the Kano State State Government and Festival of Nigeria, he met the older messenger, Rauf Aregest, in the Raugos.
The convention, when the time was coming, when the opposing groups call the Constitution of the President and ruling around Congrate (APC).
A neighbor guaranteed the development on a journey on x, where he described the political and government discussion.
“This evening, I had had a happy ozun State’s ancient governor, Oss Rauf Aregests, the convention, and the future of Nigeria,” wrote.
AregBestol, ancient Osun State, leaving a relationship with President Esaiuire to follow the second clerk of her inheritance, GBIDE Collections. Cooking, who commanded osun from 2018 to 2022, lost the opportunity to do about the Kab’s ambassador Party (PDP).
Even though politicians are still with Anibeee, the Aregbestola was chosen to be Marne’s minister and blue treasures underneath.
However, it is nothing, has no serious criticism to fight the President’s choices, 2023 under NNPP. His recent performance and an axbesta will laud the mind of the political contraction of the 2027 speed.
This evening, I enjoyed visit an ancient Ozu State’s ancient ozzar, an inner minister, Oggen Rauf ARAGUSOL, home in Lagos.
The convention gives us a chance to reason, control, and the future of … Pic.twitter.com/fjlzknidi –
– sli better u’re gonnakko (@kworthwight) February 8, 2025
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