More than 51 percent of Me People have radio as if their bigger source, study has revealed.
The capital of Sales to notifications, media, with a planning research (Sluded) counted the study. Isahah Nasus, the Head and a group of locations lead, which said are also tempted in groups of 2024.
“The lesson saw that even the Internet and Internet culture, radio has a large source of information, and 51 percent of the respondents.
“URBANs living in urban citizens are just more important than the rural citizens, while the rural people are using what writes than women,” Nasodus said.
He said that the researchers asked the 737 questions that answered nine, providing knowledge in the State territories.
Nasidi adds to a lesson that young people had a large part of the audience, who loves the software and pleasure with women who get a story.
“The radio is a lot involved in a corner of the Kano despite the dividing of a digital. The lesson describes the radio and difficulty they face.”
“To pay attention to listening, and 51.2% of the listeners who do not radiate radio, weak symptoms, or social symbols such as major obstacles”, Mr Northwested.
It was also said that the challenges were mentioned among women, indicating that they are unable to do the economy and skillfully. He also said that morals, including a change of medicines and changes in Mediations, are read to 48.8 percent of not listening.
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The study was read that indicates the interests they like
Naxi said the program saw that the radio tower was used, because of the rural signs as Ritun’s ordinary.
He added that the lesson was also found that the Speech of radiors occur in the morning and evening in the countryside, women often listen to their husbands, which prevent them from doing what they like.
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999