APC-TREAMMAN APCMAN (Northern West) of All Guolives of Congress (APC), ARBENNLY ENGI CORDNOR NATTUR Natural Party Party (SDP) they have a very successful performance.
Lukman said this I was talking to the media on Monday.
Agergen Agency in Nigeria (Nent) says Mr El-Rufai was, in the words on her Facebook page Monday, announced that she recognized APL, and lets her reason.
A Lukman, smart political political trailers and the World Committee (NWC) showing the stamina the stress that previously political rebellion.
Although he said that the decline of Mr El-Ruffi was expected, he also said that she would be patient to allow the story of completed traditions.
“It is expected. Even if they talked to the TV, you can see the texts on the wall. But when they come to the next sooner.
“My expectation was that he could have been expensive for us to work as a group according to the future conversation,” Lukman did.
Even accepting Mr El-Ru-Ru-Ru-Ru-Ru-Ru-Ru-Ru-Ru-Ru-Ru-Ru-Ru-ru-ru
In question if they entered an ancient governor in SDP, the adult administrator goes forward ‘Forum (PGF) just happened if the party can make it placed.
“At the moment, can achieve the situation. We are discussed, no doubt about it. When it comes to problems tomorrow, well,” said.
Re-Read: El-Ru-Rufai resolved APC, including another party
On the corrective agreement, Lukman said that the discussion is still available.
“I think discussing about SDP will be there or not a thing.
“The problem is the question of SDP volunteer to the other things we believe is important,” he said.
According to him, common politicians have only a platform to achieve political forces, as few politicians, including himself, who believes that the story is superior to it.
“What Nigerians need is a tower that can promote the political competition. If you remember, the Nigerians had a PDP’s nickel,” said.
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999