A court of request to Ibadan Tuesday to verify the selection and puts for ghundi hour as Ogbomosos.
Keep in mind that Addedok’s faults in Ogbomososa was, on 25 October October 2023, pouring to Mr Yo Yo Yo Yogomoso’s soup.
The lowest court was prescribed that the lessee’s way was “unknown, naughty and empty”.
It added that the process did not follow the delivery of the announcement of the SOUN’s announcement of the Sypics announcement of 1958.
To give judgments to the ostors, fairness of the Kargata Nippar, who led three members of three members, he also reached Mr Lybery.
Justice Nimpar said that the lower court did not do to make fun.
According to the judge, the respondents failed to follow government on the state of their discomfort and choosing before court.
Mr Nippar, thus, get a court scheme and prove to choose and set up to Mr Light as Ogbomoso’s sauce.
Talking to the media after judgment, advice of the respondents, Abihafon Octo, said his client was not satisfied in court.
Read: Officials for the Officgical Agents of Ogbomososos
Mr ogundojum said they were ready to recognize files and reasons for the sight of the judgment to the court to a square court.
The News Agency of Nigeria (Nan) report to be asked by Muhammed hour and the other seven.
MR ostaye was represented by the main representative of Nigeria (San), Yusuf is.
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