The Chinese Social Search Classified A New Coronavirus that causes a risk of people’s population, how they use it One’s one of the person As the virus of Covid 19.
The subject, led by Shi zhengllia famous person who is known as “Brother” In her directorary research on the BAT CORONVISES, he was done Guangzhou laboratory in accordance with investigations from Guangzhou Academy of Science, Wuhan University, and Wunns Institute of Vircle.
A new coronvirus garment with a pandemic
Virus that will find where they have a line of HUKA5 CORONVILUSNormalized in Carrier Japanese in Hong Kong. It’s a part of Nerbecoverrus subgenuswhich includes infected in the cause Middle East Build Syndrome (Mers).
Which makes a virtoyyo especially about her ability Tie to Angiotenin-enzyme (Ace2)the same receiver used by Sar-2cancer Covid 19.
Lab test verifies the skin disease
In fact in the books of monitoring CellThe researchers refers to the newly infected virus, its name HUU5-sims-2can get in human cells If they are setting away from a meter. It was also a contagious breathing and intestines matching muscles.
“Bat NerbecorcoRs … keeps the greatest risk of spill
The ability to the spread of people
This study shows the capacity to Many kinds of animals to do as Overseers in the middleI will add the risk of contagious diseases. A Merbecovirus Subgenus includes four types of identification, including Meter corivus .
Due to its ability, World Health Organization (Who) exaggerate Merbecofass its a list of Microbiles All around the world An item’s preparation last year.
To argue in the misery
However, special study studied in the past Cell by researchers from University of WasHington in Seattle and Wun University He also said that when Huk5 Huntins could argue with a male male Ace2 recipientsdid not appear The strong force of people’s.
Even this, scientists are still careful, warning Continue to control A BAT CORONVISSES is important Avoid getting off the future.
The thoughts are writing: 1944