ASSANAIDIID that can be lucky now with 3.1-of-of-the-20-of-202, According to the number of NASA products.
Despite the development, experts say no reason to a checker. A group of self-interest in the world’s calamity is cautious in the way of the way James Webb Spaces Telescope is set to look the item, called 2024 YR4.
“I don’t worry,” Bruce Betts, a scientist of government planets told afp.
“Mwachilengedwe mukawona kuchuluka kwake, sizingakupangitseni kutentha komanso zabwino,” adanenanso, koma adafotokoza, koma adafotokoza, koma adalongosola, koma adalongosola, koma adalongosola, koma adalongosola, koma adalongosola, koma adalongosola, koma adalongosola, koma adalongosola kuti asonkhana nthawi yomweyo kutsika mofulumira ku zero.
2024 YR4 started to be found on December 27 last year with El sigh in Chile.
The astronauts of astronomy suspects the middle of 130 feet (402-90 in the world, depending on its brightest signals, rather than mature metropors.
International Ashitaid Shatch (Iawn), a worldwide international Planet, gave a warning on January 29 after the ability to be disturbed. Since then, the number has not continued to go up.
The latest of NAASa reflects the chances that affect 3.1 percent, and the date of the world that has been December 22, 2032.
This translates to one in 32 – almost the same thing is just thinking about five consecutive money.
The last time of the lyeileid for more than 30 meters size brought forth such a risk that Apopophis in 2004, when it had a shortest opportunity in 2029 – what would happen later.
The manager is “history,” said Richard
– Webb files in March –
“It’s a lot,” he told the Phh’iri, but he added to: “This is not a problem at this time. This is not a lot of pierces. This is not very dangerous.”

More From Webb Telescope – The most powerful observation of observations – it will be a key to better understand her place.
“Webb can see the things available,” said – key because churteid period of Asterid ejects Juuter, and the next method is not 2028.
If the risk passes 10 percent, Iawn gives a warning, and lead to all the people with all people with areas that have areas that have the world to cause the world.
In contrast to six kilometers (106 kilomeiid) 66 million years ago, 2024 YR4 is considered a “maiden city” – not a serious problem, but still destructive.
Its damage comes from its growth and more from its velocity, which can be approximately about 40,000 per hour if it is hitting.
If it extends in the air on the earth, which would happen, means that it explodes Midavar and energy nearly eight megatons of Hirosima bomb.
But this difficult axi cannot be installed as the size is about the largest end of the comparison, it said that cheating.
The ocean that can be able to east in east, north of Atlantic, Africa, Peninsuian Peninsula, and South Arabian, although Moissl stress awesome elections as transferred.
Good News: There is enough time to take action.
The NASA 2022 NAS22 Types confirmed the SparkCraft. Scientists have raised alternatives, using a form of pulling, or use of nuclear eruptions.
The Palt ‘of Kiriky Killer’ Asteroid is now the best of the world.