Ohanamt acewbo recommes rivers of streams to be donkeys
The APEX LIGBO-culture, ohanam agbo, called River rivers to start to distract the professional conversation.
In the expression of February 28, 2025, ohanam, appreciated the Roman decision of Nigeria (CBN) with a government group.
In explaining the reign as victorious of the rivers, the group proved that it was a key to offense “
“Ashanda’ude Agbo judge the case when an unchanging way described the Kibra Commander.”
Submitted, signed by Sewuku, the President General, and Chiend Chinyranga Oomson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson RT. Hond. Martin Buen players – EMALIit Assembly fields to extend repetitive events.
The group placed a very devout audience, including:
- Destruction of rivers live in a house of meetings, restraining the lawmakers not to do their legal work.
- Government controls are only four laws, to break the democracy.
- Acne Security of President Protects to satisfy the odd acts that were disabled.
The legal court, provided by Edmanuel Guims, with the third group led by AJA, he ordered that the actions of FabaaARess are the rules now.
OHANAMT NGBOs inspired State State State to work as soon as possible to set up a connection to the adjacent judge.
“The time to act now. Our democratic loyalty depends on,” the words were said.