After kidding the baby to be born a chukdumee ounce, known as Evans, has applied for the lagos of lagos.
His new lawyer, Great Emeffo Edodo, held a court of the program as soon as possible to calculate the five-year income.
Appearing in front of a fairly favorable, Evans and partner in accordance, Joseph’s focus Emka Emlammim Emalam Emila Emmamima Emmamka
The Entado’s brother told court to Evans’ Pleba Cobain Peopser describes three crimes and other two reasons.
He noticed that his customer had already been judged in two years ago
The prosecutor states that Evans had been flexible and should be considered.
He also told a new case to read Evans, where they were paid for a 14-year judgment.
Edodoo again requested that the case would have been to those who have already believed.
“Our Responsibility of the Work Is Connected as Appendix 6, and instead of Mr. Shepherds provided.
Edodoo tried so much to raise the Egyptians
“I’m in the prison, Evans agreed to further its education under the state of public governments.
He has discovered the World Certificate in the course (NCE) In the economy and is now a legitimate teacher, “Easonids said.
He added that Evans are a politician student in the National Convice University of Nigeria (nob) and has found metal skills to visit with yields.
Aids to help, including the Evans’ Niceans, name of a training, as well as the course of training, given as evidence.
Opposition, represented by AR SUMU SUMU SUMU, did not respond quickly to the Plea-mixed request. Coureus Cooker was set on the case on March 20, while waiting for the idea of the Lagos State Stal government reblogged ‘evans.
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