Lagos Lagos in Lagos has prescribed a valid $ 1.4 million says Ball Central Bank of Nbnia (CBN) Government, controlling that the money was done.
Justice managed Thursday, giving the fourth judges, March 6, explained that the money was confiscated to the State. Economic and financial activities, which represented with the advice Billiso
According to the AFFIDAVIT with EFC Regantator David Jobbober, Wise reports led to me to be released with a hidden amount of money. Revealed that two people, uzeobo Anthony and Adebjo O Olotimi, plays important titles to hide the amounts of a job.
EFC said all the men were rewritten by Emfire to hide me inappropriately, using a refund to pick up bribes and corrects forex qualifying.
The Justice Falaji had called a valid institution of May 30, 2024, before being given Thursday Thursday, the government to cover the money.
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