Great Country Losun to Ile – We, Thursday, Rerked Adegboysa Stolah 19 The Watchtower field of the future of future.
The Court resolved the white pages and officials provided by the governor of the demole of Igbari’s sides.
Agergen Agency in Nigeria (NIGERIA) STEUNITY NIUN State was released nine pages in January 2024.
One of the white papers that turned the Ewjo of Iigabo’s head, which was leading to Oba Philip Aadegoboene Seegboyen III.
Mr Soltodun has been chosen and put as an icojo of Iigaijo to an Added Added Added Added Address
Read: Why do free change is required to be able to take the conferences of the OSUE-Alega
By no-27 November 2022, Mr Alegles returned this procedure and set up a committee to review the article.
Available in the committee led to Interctive system of Gesitiod Mr Host Convations and call new methods.
However, Mr Soltode rejected the government in court, quarreling that the setup is to follow the method and should not be saved.
In his laws, Justice Aola has announced that Executive Executive system and white paper was not accepted to confirm the process of relevant solution.
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