The dose of a rough flyer of a pad, the world champions of a champions of a champions League after having liver in the pursuit of Saturday.
Bradley Barcoola and the Goncano Ramos had Frit 2-0 in Brittany before renines, but the dembree took time to stop the victory.
The results allowed leaders to have the ability to be able to produce their ranks in the service of the time.
Parsia now are the six sense of reasonable points in front of the complex market plays home to return.
The Lois Enrique sides, even though teaching the eight persons between two legs of the liver, and return to Anfield coming Tuesday.
“We are eligible to go to get the liver. There’s nothing to lose and we will offer all to try to be eligible,” to Farter-Fais, says Luis Enrique.
“It was difficult but hard work and gives us hope of hope before going to Liverpool,” was added to a group of his organization.
– Players all the students rested –
Barcola, Jooo and Willia Palain were players to keep their fighters of Rennes in Liverpool in the first hand of the first third leg.
Debeel was one of the early as to rest, but he came on the bench as soon as he arrived, and began to go to France to the battle of 20 goals.
A player who started his work in Rennes now printed 28 times in the competition this season, plus 23 goals from between December 18.
Rennes started the games on the last trip to five table to ride between Habib Wegrosis after the jerge of the jerge at the end of January.
However, Pag went forward in Roazhon Park on 27 minutes as a timer to done, where they took a lot of time inside the building and was released to achieve its 18-year-old intention.
Young men on the back of Mohamed Kata Keyhaz about QUNNES before they pass, leaving the cross from Addien.
Then Barcoa turned offering as a psg added to their part five minutes
Brasisier’s length of one pulls of Rennes in later, direction from the knees after the corner after the corner was released.
However, Luis attendant sent on the paid, with Debele, nobi mends, KhVika Kvaratoriana and Akraf Hakima is coming on the bench.
PSG confirmed the fact as Hakyi rushed on your purpose unselfishly to make up to 3-1 the first minute hour Johni.
Demele has chased its second purpose and psg from the area of 94 minutes.
Another one Saturday, Lilem was a successful 1-0 winner in Montpalllier on the sport that fell between two legs of the two-legged.
Jonathan David was put to the only intention to play in a second year, to the Category of Canada 14th of campaign in Lutt.
Lillery and Fifter on the table, behind the Banoico ago on purpose.
Makes Dortmbundon after photographing 1-1 in the first leg in Germany.
PSt Due PSD area has a PSG success in the front trip to LiverRPool.