Oswai Osseai, who once had a representative house, explained that he left the party of the people (PDP) to All the moving movement .
He added this third to Absuja after the Secretary of Nazuola, Ajimb Bashiru, officially received it in APC.
Mr Usai, who was already standing in the house in the town, recommends the APC entry, along with other PDPs in Delta, weakens the party.
He added that the deficiency of the required PDP, including Senator ned in a form of the party’s attention.
He explained the President to Rubb as his model, a good example, to spend time in Lagos, calling him “a master’s master.”
He was determined to keep in touch with a party that associated with the views associated with their political views and announced that he was ready to cooperate with Mr.
“I’m here to enter the politician of the politician that I followed me for many years to renew whatever they are doing,” the ostasi said.
Mr Usai said there was no division inside APC in Delta in Delta.
“Tibii guides the country, and I want to join in doing this. I left a PDP; is on my back; I’m Nigeria, not the Nigeria, not political parties.
He added: “I came to join APC to make a world that is interested in all,” added.
Since it was the ruler’s underlined PDP in three photos, Mr OsSai descriptive that the structure of the party was disturbed.
He explained that he received APC APC card I was going to APC Seedirelial meeting, and put her in public.
Read: Everything of PDP according to APC
The former commander of the former manager promised that following the rules and Constitution Comreuses of Apc.
He also said that he offered himself to lift the party of the Manager.
Determined part of the farming part as a necessary field of profit nigeria people under President’s Taxabite.
When you receive MrSSai, AP NEC Nationan secretary was grateful to contact them.
Rebuked PDP due to underwear, caused by actions and lack of cooperation, adding that Nigeria did not believe that they could not cause their activities to lead their activities.
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