When the world writes all over the world cancer, the health experts have begged a lot of money to handle cancer, warn that enough information is hindering from the battle.
Speaking on the sort of talk in Abija Tuesday, who was once healthy The city of the riverJanet Eyeree, was determined that the Nigerian’s health of niggs, with less than 5 percent of the National budget provided medicine.
Ms. EgPyong said it’s important for the government to increase the health of health to help with positive results.
Again, made of project Project Blue – a non-state group that promotes cancer of cancer in Nigeria – purchased cancer or medical help? Power, risks, and health cancer in Nigeria. “
The event, which had the form of cancer survivors, brought various professionals and survivors to share their experiences and discernment.
The health of health health health
Talk to health health, President of the people who were affected by cancer in Nigeria (nepicin), grinin), grainin), grainin), granin), granin), granin), granin), granin ), Grainin), grainin), granin), granin), granin), granin), granin), granin), granin), granin chuji,
Ms. Ms Orreni explained that when the installation of cancer first brought hope and lack of visibility caused the health of the work.
“The Health Cowed The Health Crowns, we had hope and thanks, it seemed like a string,” he said. However, his regular setting took two other years, and even then, the process was not known. “
He added that in the sick, often difficult to find anything, but what will help them to introduce help.
Ms. Orji rebuked the lack of appearance that makes it possible for money, explaining that it’s a “private,” stop patients, “their families were disturbed as you can get financial help.
Likewise, the subject of research and education in Athena capital of Athena for leadership, a heolicism, also relevant to the cancer of cancer.
A Nazal Went said that his team was trying to make enough money for cancer for cancer.
“We’re going to do many things to prove that cancer patients are well cared for by the government. Also, to ensure that cancer is receiving additional money.”
MR Solardays said that there should be more information and changes to cancer.
The installation of the state on a healthy
The Nigerian minister for young people, Aylexo to praise, emphasizing the importance of many of the economic and growth of the world.
Mr Cololao said many young people in Nigeria face serious problems in health, stigma, and lack of information on the disease.
He adds these difficulties, said that the government had established the effects of marriage in three stories: Help, Powerful, and protects.
This field requires to ensure that any young people Nigeria has a healthy body of health despite the nature of human nature.
The minister remembers the financial achievement of success, authority, and leadership.
“Health and health, and being healthy is not just sick or sick … but to be in a complete body, and better,” said.
OUS Zo Malawi also showed the government of all the government and the sermon of the people and the spiritual needs of the young men.
This includes cancer, mental, and drug abuse.
The minister told the show shows that Nigeria cancer, and the fourth causes of cancer, more than 70 percent found in 2020.
Stimulated, however, that the first disease and treatment can reduce costs.
MR Colawaree announced their commitment to the HPV vaccination, promotes more money, fighting all lies in Nigeria on shots.
Relax: People from Uk, US, other countries have now come to Nigeria for the better – minister
The importance of local amounts of money
Meanwhile, the opportunity of Athena community to do well and leadership and Volia, a demonstration of nigeria’s anxiety, destroying alien residents.
The poultry said that this has great significance in the health of health and national wealth.
To solve the problem, he said Nigeria should plan on health plan, including promotion, health experts, and establishes health planning.
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999