Kazzira State, Dikko Uri Radea, has added good luck to the Kuduraza ABDuluzaq A Kara State and Chairman of Nigeria’s governor (Ngf) at the beginning of his 65th day.
In the grateful message given to Katina, the governor Radda stretched the sample of Mr Abdulhazeq of governors in Nigeria. He realized that his way of teaching the world and commitment to promote government official government strengthened the responsibility of socket.
“Assignment of ABLULLEQ Submitted ABDulleq Assembly to AbdulleQ to Ara’s battle All the moving movement“Ruda was reported.” New News and Causes of New Parties Continue continuing the tireless pathway develops our party, “added.
Governor Radersa praised the chairman of Nsft to give a public job and wanted many years of health and wisdom in Nigeria.
Ibrahim Kaila Moham
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