Gun Elnon Parade Paradise in Thermashi-this, delta Stateinside a Friday night vigilShots what the church causes, Authoriase apostleand stealing 6 members by the attack that leave the group in fear.
The event, that happened around 10 pm near Delrta State polytechnicHe raised new comments because of the security of religious meetings in the area.
Rifles, confusion, with a injured pastor
Missionary Faith OomeiaThe wife of the injured leadership, he related the rival of the Israelites, was fire opened in the house of the congregation.
“I was lying with my son in the church, when I heard a rifle. Suddenly, shells began to fly inside the house,” said.
Revealed that her husband, Swumwere shot in the hands of the hands and lost two fingers in the attack.
Then the men who were assigned to the laborers around them were changed to six people, including the two guardians of the church.
The victims have been identified:
- Helen’s short
- With Emmanuel
- Chie Little
- My circumference
- Two non-mentioned workers
Safety challenges grow as to the police
Although the damage to the archer, The Delta State law did not assure the action.
When you are connected, Officially policesaid:
“No report has been made at each policeman about attack.”
The people living with church members now calls the security organizations to make an effort to save the people who are persecuted and bring fairness.
The thoughts are writing: 201