The odd disaster diseases in the User, Bada, Star State, give us two souls and were left 27 in the hospital, to look among the inhabitants.
The disease, well-known and suddenly, dissatisfied with a long body, and the physical weakness of the body, has interrupted health officials.
Sandar Sandi, Sandy, explained how he suffered from his brother’s visit.
“I went to comfort my brother, and after that, I returned to my room again.
Suddenly, I did not go anymore, “he said.
He continued, “From the morning, my wife said he tried several times but couldn’t.
“By 3 pm, they found me with my mouth open with the saliva.”
Amarar ran to the federa Medical Center (FMC), Bada, where they felt more than three days later.
One recovered a patient, who wanted to maintain innocent, also shared the same problems.
The wondest illnesses claim 2 souls, 27 clinics in the Niger area; The victims give the worse results
“I just woke up in the morning, but I couldn’t get up with me. Our family took me to Umard Sandheral Holl, Bada,” the patient said.
The effective flow has destroyed the local people, with reference to Alhajbbear, who the Great Imam of Kuruta, who died after five days in FMC.
His son, Mothermemee, said, “My father died three weeks of three weeks. The doctors ended a few checks but could not find anything.”
Ali Aurabi Alikhaiji revealed, “I have done to me and take out 17 patients and sent many difficult cases in FMC.
Symptoms include body weakness and sudden damage. “
Adults have been fulfilled because of the disease, which continue to spread between inhabitants, leaving many unable to travel or speak well after recovery.
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