Icelanda’s minister, ÁsSaldir LósdótótótótótótótótótótótôTótó, the 15-year-old child has a child.
According to Rúv, Thomdótótótótótótót started to be a religious guy and gave birth to the young men.
Now the great man, the father of the baby’s father is concerned about the life of his son but later they rejected the opportunity to reject their child. Although this, they had to pay children’s support for 18 years. He also says Thomhyyótótótókót’s repetitions closed the right to find the freedom to visit the freedom.
A public angry on the report, ThomdBótótótótce announced about a job, a persuasive Sunday, although he preserves his seat on Parliament. Prime Minister Prime Minister, KistropNn Frridadóa, while the feast of the people refused to say that he stopped his son’s privilege.
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