Respectful activities are as if other ministers of ministers. Of course, many pastors use. But this is one of the sacrifices to be a faithful minister of Christ. A person will sometimes steal. Sometimes they will never be overlooked. Jesus was deceived, shameless, and did not look at. How do you want to be faithful if you do not face other problems?
Continuating the tithes and donations that the church should be used by Datels to help the church help the church, songs, or employees, or everyone. I agree that many pastors ignore the poor and use these offer as they may wish. I know a lot about what happens in our congregations. Also, to save the next religious leader of the clergy, many who have already found them in the hands of the directories, we must return to our roots.
All shepherds, surrounding, and church leaders who know the truth and are not working to build their own tasks in their programs and meetings. Make it up. Be with them. Let them know. Commendation and as much as possible, provide the needs of who cannot work or not find a job.
However, it is difficult to expect all overseers and church leaders who work, whom do Nigeria, on the other side. Why? They need a “magical” shopping “to pick up the crowd and make money. It’s not the God who worships him. Their meetings are made to achieve money. But even groups of ministers in Nigeria wants to repent or not, would not see the message and many others who are from other concerned brothers. This message will bear witness against them in the judgment day of judgment.
If we do not charge money, how do we survive?
It is a matter of each publisher of each “salaries before he is speaking” in Nigeria. Now, if you are truly called with God as the cabinet cabinet, your case is very different from the music. I’m not talking to fun here. I’m talking to people who guide the Body of Christ to call and worship God. There are many ways to find out what to give as a real, God-fearing leader. If you are a song trained with the skills to write music and play training schools online or physically selling your skills on the other level.
A Nigerian Signature writer teaches my children on the keyboard and put him on a pounding paper. We are also connecting to many families. They give me his education in Zoom, and maybe, if they train five children per month, they can make more than N600,000 per month.
Now imagine if they do this for ten families. Therefore, the reason I have to pay for money before confessing the invitations to guide people leading the leading to worship does not work with water if you really want to be honest. Also, include what’s on youtube and on iTunes and receive the robe from the mistakes. You can also write the brief books on music’s mind and time management and selling in your network. You can make your albams too with sale. For those who have another skill and training aside, you can get them money.
There are servants that have that. You can pick up Job. You can start putting money in a store. I know the clinic serving God as religious leaders in many meetings and programs. One of the major entitors of Osllo Nor Coir in Norway and the primary school teacher. However, he finishes around the world on his year after his year, to eat the lives of God. There is no excuse to limit God’s altar. The problem with many of our brothers are “lazy.” They want to call one hour and control the N5Million because they know how long it takes them to make money to make money, they must choose to do other things.
If you know that “stealing” is not wrong, is there anything to make anything from the coming Court of Roads? It’s a matter of thoughts. And if you are truly faithful to God, and you are working, God will bless you. Will be open to you. If you think God may not bless you, it defying your relationship with God.
The brothers, what do you think if all churches in Nigeria leave the submission of the praises of their worship and worship, those who do not consider the payment before serving gifts? What do you think will happen? All the “magic” returns to their church churches, to submit to the pastors, to humble in Sunday school, prayer meetings, and Bible studies and growing up by Christ. You will be surprised by a change of change that will be done in our churches. Services of Service is simple as a service full-time service. Dear sister, a lovely brother kuni now for violating her temple, but don’t forget, you will die and stand before him. God does not have success in the world to succeed in eternity. They do not have to succeed in the pursuit of the supernatural. They are interested in your success, but not with his favor in your life.
Ayle Aylele and the chief shepherd of River’s and Product The man who is involved in Olitario, Canada. Can be reached through the [email protected]
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