The critics said to a sudden control of the edge breaks democracy. Their location describes realities. The intervention is temporarily, undergoing surgery, and its purpose is to restore – not changing – democratic organizations. Suspension of political agents for six months is not used; It is completely dissolved but also discouraged to give siege infections. Especially, the same opponents that have changed what they did to have settled to keep the conditions quiet for refusal to Parliament, showing their favorites.
Imagine rivers say the Predial Best Ahmen Tachu has tried announcement to declare an emergency. Peptime standing between the state of the government and the governor has not already been on the Facaa had continued and changed. The dangers can be caused by the legal provisions of the legislations with the users of Niger oxygens, which includes the problem of the problem and media and restricts the difficulty, and resting the lives and to put lives. Schools and hospitals can be shattered; Money advertisers escape. We can just imagine about sex and economic.
As a result of the President, the rivers can also swallow today. Political conflicts are diminished, Herbirds with stonemens reached, and those affected – stirred by the supervisor – is encouraged by the way to the peace. The opponents who are opposed to the problem “does not agree that” emergency control ignores the truth: waiting for the ruins of rules and damage to angry until the house is tossed as if the house is tossed.
A qualified leader as the President Anibee, who vowed to be delivered to protect the Constitution and the presence of the country, can’t do a signs of a loaded. Politions political in Romeat between the Baanagrompor Sinara Sinara Sinara Bite, which was burned in six months, and were suffered by 18 March. A few events, because the skin of the shield begins 14 months ago, and the factual, download from the Government of the former chief of the first, as the Nigeria is transformed. The court also contained a screen of treating as a pious.
The rivers were in many tombs, such as tryingters refused to defeat the success, President before the judgment of the emergency of 18 March. The President reacted a detailed response to the public, anti-military abuse. The people who have chosen them to serve her. President Eniib must do. Decided to avoid the healing.
Part 305 of Nigeria’s Constitution gives President to act when faced with the Law, system, and economic security – the monument of Nigeria. Felift proves that the seller, told by Fabitant to look to the symptoms, started to fall, and put abuse by the outdoor and vulgar-delta. In the past, the President Luetant wants them to make no effort to the Hagi’s sacred role, which are expensive, financial and economic development of each part of the country. The river rivers are the most important hydrocarborn in Nigeria, and anything unchanged and politically disturbed to the Government company to have the consequences of the world.
Responsible to criticize
The critics said to a sudden control of the edge breaks democracy. Their location describes realities. The intervention is temporarily, undergoing surgery, and its purpose is to restore – not changing – democratic organizations. Suspension of political agents for six months is not used; It is completely dissolved but also discouraged to give siege infections. Especially, the same opponents that have changed what they did to have settled to keep the conditions quiet for refusal to Parliament, showing their favorites. De democracy will not succeed in the microscope – a mess’s downhill.
The manager, Vritice ALSUL IBOK IBOK (RTD.) This intervention confirms that their rivers will have their rights, where they protect Nigeria and rivers of the world due to the damaged. It is important to repeat the President so that the Agnibos reacked in the Law with its upper energy to the Great Court.
The President of the land and the land of the land remains self-sacrificing to settle down and ensure the selected authorities resume their services.
Phistan English Philosopher Eddter Eddter Eddter Eddter Eddter. The President Eniib decided to brave the courage of padalan. Her actions made Nigeria’s interest in the rock, avoiding many problems. To those who make of democracy changed the “cruel,” what health response does Democratic answer? The new wets’ wetted purezident titles determined. They must be grateful, not criticized, not his abilities. Rivers and Nigeria are secure.
Boyo Zoraga is a special counselor to President Annibe on knowledge and solution.
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