… the leader of the police group is open
• Do you consider Compositions: It was not in harmony with the obligators Gotv Sanga-Olu?
With aon Olassani, the newspaper assistant
In the events of events, an old largest speaker Lagos State Home of
A convention, Madashuaki’s meeting, representing the experimental work I, the last week, announced a second 40 member’s head. He was disfellowshipped for January 13, 2025 archaeological. Obasi, who talked to reporters in the Bush Thursday, was hardened not legally removed as a speaker or to remove it every habitation should follow the process. He added that his removal occurred, when he came from Nigeria, provided evidence of the convention’s army on the wrong way. However, a group of faithful tasks to the new speaker, Oralanda, refused, rejected Obas’ comments, saying that an Arland is still giving birth to their leader. Meranda was selected as a speaker after the Obas’ to be the first woman to watch a violent legion in South Stat.
The delivery talk has made it difficult in Lagos and Safety Customs and Friday Court of Oba Redemption Court agrees. The case changed to March 7 to hear. Things did not end, with the recent movement of the disaster to increase the problems. The governor administrator of the Guelga (gac), a political technician was placed on behalf of President Bulabe until 1999 when he was the ambassador when the Obas was removed as the speaker. But there was nothing to be done until the site of the souted speaker where he said that the anglic and gac. Obamide’s fight against the Kabebide Schools Skills on the same question, the chairperson, on Tujauden, speaks on the lags, a memoiled house of lagos between other difficulties in the process of other problems. Due to written, policemen has a tight political history when they were a small Nigerian party, which was led by the Greatest Cistopment Center. Tabs
On the Army in Uturp Tubb
We’ve been feeling in some places that there is a criminal group with a fragments against tickets to move its leadership in lagos inside the gac. I wonder how anybody else can say that. But I don’t want to enter such arguments. Yet, how can anyone say that the police officers, 88, would like to be able to power, what purpose is there? Does this sound? I would like to believe that it’s a field of media. Let me tell this, right now, with young people who have to lead this world to promise; The elders can be a part (of it) but not lead. What reminds me, about three years ago, at the Gac’s meeting, which exists, I moved to the little small tiny tin, still, I still moved that all of us on earth. I also went on to refer to the bunch of bushs the bush of the bush of the bush of the bush of Bush Alebiro, and I see, “no,” no. Later, I realized that she was right. I explain why he was right. After a while, we had problems between an ambassador, Babylon – O Olida, and speaker, in some way, was big, who were big. We told them, “We are your parents”. We used to live together, and we were able to resolve the matter in peace, accurately. As a result, those who refused to give home was right. In a real way, I’m very tired. The number of people who come to me beyond the same problem or the other is large. This is responsible, we petition paperpapers to provide the control of the involvement. What is happening is not unusual to our party. The day we met judges at Marina, I asked them if she was wearing glasses in budgets (when Obama keeps Santa-O Olios waiting for hours); Wasn’t it in line with the speaker to conduct an ambassador? But now it’s different. Was the Gac that caused it? Thank God I never went to that day because I’m not called. GAC members and governors who attended the late for more than four hours.
At the Lagos meeting, APC problem
The problem we have a house of Lagos State of Assembly has not been able to end. The Lagos State House of Assemble is an organization fixed by the Constitution. It’s an independent partner, some people look as representative of it, but my world interpretation made the main, Parliament and Holola. People talk about the Matidciary as independent but it’s not actual actually, because the people who serve in serilition is selected by adult. We are sometimes as we are angry and go on ordinary. I looked at the TV program where I saw Obada say that the people who were fighting in the work of work many years is that he could be a matter. That’s the right position. The man has agreed to be an answer. But the problem would be a small part, the enemy would want to destroy your party and dissolve it; That’s the way of life and how we use our democracy. We need to know that they are making progress. There are other areas we need to change.
At the cracks in gac on the obusions
I don’t want to discuss the matter. Gac members are not members of a government meeting. As some people, gac reads a story that some rules of the rules has given or removes, which are the right words now, Oopver, without the party member, without the party member or group of gac. Later, we were invited to meet them in the house of Lagos, Marina. At first they wanted to send a committee but he worked to see all of them. We told them everything with the formation of the party.
If you say to put someone … all responsibility has a political party. That’s the area of the media who should research research. No one can be a president, a minister, the National Member or State, Commissioner, of Commission, unless they are helped by political party. So, the party is like an administrator, if there is a problem, if a member is wrong, you talk about the party. As a result, the story of the Lagos Hall of the convention, solution for a reception. I’m also a member of the party, one of the older leaders who help in the party control, but I’m not able to speak specially in the state. All I can say now is that there is an argument in the meeting place. For example, I refused to talk to this with a number of costumes already. I led them to the manager. But like an old man and consider your problems coming down, I’m respecting you when you answer the article. The problem is between the speaker of the convention with friends, which made it removed or early, or anything. But there is a dispute.
Because I blame the seller of the rules
He followed the instructions, I led a meeting. There are only three or four members who have never been and were reported to go to another country. But I challenge them for one thing. That all these complaints are coming forward, even though they were many years in the house, did not visit any complaints so far. But, again, I encourage them the right to say something about their leadership. And he said they would take their idea without negotiations. This is the leadership and party to decide finally. They have no power to remove and set up the leadership of the building. They were our facilities, and they accepted and promised to lead the results for leadership and party. But members of the gac, it’s not our responsibility to discipline the members or builders. We too can only come to us if there is a conflict. When you talk about governmentist members, I read in some journalists that some members supported this or the Publisher questioned against others of these members. He never told you that there are gac. Connect to gac and removed or reinstalized is wrong; Naked and members of the house, not gac. You media should be able to explore real things around this and do not pull the gac in it. Let me know here, the speaker said that the remission was not appropriate. A party has begun the story and there is a Supreme party, led by members like the OsOLgun Oopa, and the oldest APC. Are workingfully working to solve the problem. I know they are discussing with a convention center, the speaker, the speaker Lasbat Arland. We, too, of the Gac and chairman of the party chair, herdest shepherd Korgen ziobi, they are doing everything in our power to help the committee. That’s my responsibility.
On what was already available
The goal of the committee is to reconcile people with differences, there is conflict. And APC has a law that allows the world to ask the land of the land to intervene. For example, when I was a chairman of the Vince Nationian, I went to the ao to establish a lot with other countries. To have a difference with a part of life. That’s why in the company, there is a management of smooth materials, conflict between others. As a result, a party also has a similar machine, therefore, you, media, to leave us alone. Don’t be very anxious. We, as our team, knows that our Lagos Star House of this assembly is like Lagos legal arm. We will do all tightly by the grace of Almighty to resolve all differences.
For APC chances in 2027
My prayer is to get hung on Ahmed Ahmed President of this country and that God will continue to take her on the right way. Meanwhile, it is progressively in progress, even though there was a lot of financial difficulties that encounters all the problems leading to economic and palece. Therefore, my prayer is that you did well. God will encourage 20227 decisions because of the ability to submit to democracy.
ALLIANCE in APC in 2027
Talking about the agreement and a miracle, you see the agreement tells you about the failure or failure of the condemnation to win the choice. When the decision comes 2027, opposition knows that they cannot succeed; This is why they move around to look for a contract. And if you look deep, since the final decision to finish two years ago, they have been talking about agreement, relationships. This shows their failure to win, knowing this and, by the grace of Almighty, APC, my party, your party, will continue to control the Federal Republic of Nigeria coming 2027.
Poor in the inside of Lagos gac, the political and (2): I wanted to stop, the leader of a policeman opening on the first open on Vanguard News.