And Ebnoluma Shesou
In a shocking development, all police went to and be given Lagos State House House House of Assembly, RT. Hond. Mohagnrorah, also the facilitator, have been removed immediately, leaving a speaker and the producer of these rules.
Proved on the circumstances, a special public counselor, Victor Ganzallo, showed great anxiety on removing safe.
“When we talk, the security has been removed from the speaker, and it is privately,” GANZALLO did.
He warned that a “secure speaker,” unprised, and upset, “to emphasize the importance of changing the protection.
The intention to be removed is not known, and there is no legal statement from Lagos State or government officials related to development.
This results in stress related to the security of government officials and the security of the Lagos Convention.
Soon in: Police has been deleted from Lagos Sccer, Arranda – appeared at the first time on Vanguard News.