Landara State Laws, Their Lauda agreed for Consititution of Committelations to check the causes of a devastation of Kaura Namoda who killed at least 17 days ago.
Giving confession, Zalapra Mohamd Nathtamnada said the committee reassembles what happened, helps us to recover.
Knowing from the committee report will also help governmental services by establishing processes for at-time at other Qurrianic applications and public places.
Committee membership is as follows:
1. A program for Jagarabime
3 .. an unique major, religious stories
4. Chairman, Abelan Common
5. Rep. Religious Service
6. Rep. Min. Training, science & technology
7. Rep. Faith in the Language
8. Three (3) Members from Ulanko Conteacil Council
9. Rep. Police officer
10. Rep. From the State Security Department (DSS)
11. Rep. From Civil Deals Corps
12. Rep. From the fire department
13. A European Conteincil – Secretary
The committee is required to take action immediately.
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