Loopoja: GOV CODODO GO TO FEDERAL University, it sets up to a committee to repay
By errors in erorjoh
February 18, 2025
Kogi State Song, his Great Ahmei Ahmed USHman Ododo, pays to University Lododa – Abuja Stral Koporado.
Representing ambassador, Joel Spofe’s Pillar Terms With The Second of Ambassader, Respect. Hilary Ojoma Keyh, with a government counselor, Commidore Jeymoodara RTD.
In the tip and secretary of the Kzebels, Mr Alabis Emmanuel, the governor of its address, explained this as a dangerous and dangerous.
He assured them that the government suffered enough by ensuring that their ambassador and possessions will share their distinct grief.
According to him, the governor has already identified a dignified minister, which will be visible to the government recently to try the future in the future.
Governor Ododo commended the students during this test during this experiment, by confirming the dedication to the government to solve traffic problems.
He advised a renovated Kog’s maintenance building to examine the stalls of a pedestrian bridges and corrects the state controller to set up the streets of the road.
In addition, the governor set up the Comminiser’s Community, young supervisors, sports, councilors, SSASs, SSASs for hardwood, National Orthts, in others.
In the past, the Federal University Lokoni, professor Roywii, expressions to protect the Agbaja and give additional buses.
The student Unionione UNIVERSITY, Comrade Beniysitity Olajffeen 2 Timoton Timothy, which makes the discomfort, which makes it possible to be safety planning security security. He also loved to build a toll on the streets with a festival and asked the police to avoid the mistress but they look at their safety.
He acknowledged that the government of the people, especially the governor to grow afternoon afternoon, pressure.
After the trip, the governor of governor works in the sudden commitment of committee in the face of an accident in the office. The stress was raised because of a student’s safety in the streets, protection from the government’s government, and the importance of developing a solution to the complexity of organizations. The governor intervened to the Federal Service to solve the problem and gave a spectacular choice in the difficulty of time.
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