Mrs. Mobilisto Hunponu-Wusu, then the worst of Woodhall’s tree, the financial fumes set in 2014 with the goal of lifting world, big companies.
In this communication is a time to rest, Mrs Hunponu-Wuu shares his travels in work, difficult, and need of women.
PT: Can you tell us about your art and how you used to be?
Mrs. Hunponu-Wusu: I started working in London city, where I had received the opportunity to work with other financial agencies. After several years of success, I went to the bank in Lagos, Nigeria, and I made a decision to go home to help my work.
However, I was experiencing an unexpected challenge when I left a difficult and humiliated job, especially to come from organizations where I felt likes him and celebrated.
The ultimate time makes me show me. As a result of disappointment, determination, and after weakness, I set up the capital of Woodhall. Looking back, difficult was updates that made me make something empty and made me do an unexpected journey.
PT: In your opinion, female leaders encourage and give them the strength of encouragement, especially other women?
Mrs. Hunponu-Wusu: Women in leadership can be powerful examples, especially to other women, showing skills with skill and contents.
When the young mothers see women’s leaders who use them as well as they also teach them, they can fulfill their desires without negligence.
In addition to miracles, female leaders make a place that promotes display, possibly mixed, and cooperation. They condemn patience and empowerment of the next generation by showing the leadership not only in authority but about, muscle, and purpose.
PT: What do you think about women in leadership compared to men?
Mrs. Hunponu-Wusu: Women brings a variety of a variety of strong intellect, thoughts, and flexibility. The end of approach to experiment with soundness allows us to make good choices.
In addition, we have a lot of many types of interest and interest in our details often lead to new work.
Someone an important thing is the ability to make beneficial connection and promoting the same culture. Leadership to be pronounced – it’s fun, and women often win in buildings where people feel so loved.
PT: What challenges did you face like your woman, and how did you handle them?
Mrs. Hunponu-Wusu: Financial organs, such as many industry, aggressive has become a larger. One of the biggest challenges I have experienced and proved my loyalty in the place where women were monitored.
There were also an event that I had to work hard not to be seriously focused or having my own ability as my sons. I have solved these difficulties in checking success, unchanged, and results. I ensured my job fluently, and I was not moved by dedicating my integrity.
In addition, I had advice and supporters who offer guidance and support the way.
PT: Can you share with one of the most effective times of your job that sets up your leadership interest?
Mrs. Hunponu-Wuu: One of the most convincingly Ideas in my work was the First Woodhall’s first time. It was difficult for many years to work hard, to stick hard, and try again to make it.
Read: So many women do not want to take the leaders of leadership or distributor between men and women
There, I noticed that the leadership was not the only thing – and to make something that makes a chance to others and it becomes fixed. To see the maximum growth of the company and use the Welcomeal Group, the opportunity we have given, with the lives we have been able to give, and the lives we have been able to confirm my love every day.
PT: What kind of advice do you recommend for young women Nigeria want to be leaders?
Mrs. Hunponu-Wusu: Success is built at solid work, integrity, and consistency. Although communication can be opening doors, with your cost, working in Ethic, and a culture that would know how to go.
For young women who want leadership, encourage you to do the art, be the best for the integrity and what you will always have to change after time, not one night.
It also resets continuously, discriminate your skills and skills, put God first, have a goal.
With these points, you will never be able to encourage others to follow your feet.
PT: How do you fulfill the needs of CEO and other aspects of your life?
Mrs. Hunponu-Wusu: Access to money requires a goal of looking for. I look at what affects and distribute my time.
I also believe the delegates, having the right plants, and it helps me to be effective without discouragement.
Most importantly, I try to attend all respects, regardless of work, and family, or in your growth. Success in this way is a way of continuous, but by intentionally with a group, it is difficult.
PT: The title of this year for the day of the worldwide Women’s Day and “helps.” What does this title mean to you and how does it show how your leadership is?
Mrs. Hunponu-Wuu: For me, it runs the action than the title – and invitation to leadership and go out. Leaderships are about slaves, not see visions.
We have discussed the suggestion, arrangements found a solution, and we have discussed quietly. Now, the goal must be visible results. Until my leadership occurs. I believe to establish logical plans, and make up the solo solutions, and to make sure.
Progress is never being fulfilled as a result of being alone but in the process of making decisions. This is the meaning of the influence of leadership to reality.
These questions were treated in accordance with Women in the management, business, and public jobs . Hunponu-Wusu is a member of Indimz.
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