And Ebnoluma Shesou
The National Church’s Great Court has had Olleklekon, Lagos State Home of Assembly, because they protect them.
The court claimed not to be ruled again to the latests as part of the media.
During the past held the house with the author’s office, tijo ottha again replied.
Drawing in the second article, the court once demanded that parties could only be kept in peace and nothing could be a disturbing state of government.
Before he put the story to March 18, 2025, when hearing pre-work, the court surprised that his pronouncements were misinterpreted by the statement.
In the past, the main representative of Nigeria, o Districts, informing the righteousness MOWE WORKS THAT HAPPENED ONLY THE CHALLENGE.
He added to the sterile to produce stairs and words to be restored by the court.
He also told the Court of the statement to use DSS and police to distract and threaten the scribe.
On February 20, 2025, ancient task was renewed to the restricted methods they were asking. However, the court of the court of action against their extensively.
The court states that the two parties will keep the peace and the state of Quion Antum waiting for the info. “
The new country court assures that Lagos’s shopping center appeared to the first time on Vanguard News.