The Nigerian discharge of trans-walls of Traukirict (net) has announced about his collaboration with Financial and economic activity .
The Niti Revirture, Ogbonaya orji, revealed this Monday when I defended the Girl before the Committyuirs of The Petraleum (upper) to the National Assembles, ab
Speaking on the experiment, Mr Orji revealed that the Nitchi recovered $ 3.7,000 after publisher 2020 and 2021 on the oil reports.
“Over $ 3. 3,7 received a state of government as the companies used in fuel,” did.
However, they did not describe the details of companies and organizations with government.
Discussion of the Buditue Britfuts of the N’iti, Ouji Reporter has a N6.5 billion buds of 2025. This budget has n2.2 billion. a billion in the intervention.
He explained that the complexity of the 2025 tasks included the fuel reports, the air, and mines; Infections infeited with a calcurbator. Research on the real volume of the pool of Peter was eaten in Nigeria; Financial change changes in the country; With a survey who sees the world’s nationality to achieve extra industry (EIE) to Nigeria.
A large portion of food
However, a budget was coming under the rules, especially on the top of the line with the number of n32 million to eat.
Kafilath Ogbar (APC, Lagos disfellowly criticized what they wanted, I would ask why Nothing to share a lot of money on the time of Nigeria to fight.
“There is no way to use a lot of money in one year. Most of our Nights should ensure that the results that are bringing as the budgets are written by the items that may require money that can be required.
“We just do not just see budgets as a chance to share money. Let’s see as a means of ministering Nigeria,” Ms Ogbar did.
ADOMMORT DEE (APC, Malos) was also alive, to promote government agencies to consider the economy in the world to prepare their money. He saw that publicly identify the “Sts Stamp” should be monitored.
“We all know how things are in the world, and we must be wise in our use. In many he feels that there was anything that is approved by government agencies, and is not,” says they.
A Committee, Ad Doopshot, explained some of the changes that have been set as “swearing.”
“When I agree to the budget stops on our desk and you’re just giving a suggestion, I need to say that the economy is going on, and the citizens are to cry out.
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“Some of the minds came before they are tightly funny and eased Nigerians. For example, healthcare, and the paddlers – this requires to be better,” the dago.
Despite opposition, Mr do no sure of a committee help, volunteered to use its money.
“Your organization is required, and the law is grateful for the work you are doing. We will do all we can help you. Parliament is providing for you to use your services and asking,” he said.
In December 2024, President BLA President Blabebe offered the budget of the world to one part of the National Convention.
The committees of the Senati and Representative Rolers protect, varied departments, departments, and organizations appears before their committees to achieve their ideas.
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999