And Prince Teasing, Hi-Tech Editor & Juliet omeh
Ai expiry of Ai growth that makes the work easier. Ai translators begins to be successfully done. There is a system of an acts that can make such a form of people, briefly accessible, as well as speaking in conversation.
Ai sharing cultures and languages and non-stems can be struggling to achieve porn.
However, Nigeria is not allowing all this as the African Science of African, Science Nigeria Nigeria, DSN, making a deiole of AIGAGE.
This process requires to ensure that wisdom to ensure that wisdom, ai, can understand and communicate in African languages.
By recorded, photos, videos, and words, DSN and build the most of the African courses, and to ensure that digital scale on medicines, education, and money.
The founder of DSN, Boo Kukened, who proved that the language is very important. In DSN, through us, equalalazzai, we are democratically that they learn and work in African languages as a child. “
Options to drive Noi
DSN’s equaquey unit will try to collect, in a language in Africa, to make the woody use it to make sure.
Some major arts include: Aproslm 1.0 – a group of language that is designed to help reading money in Yruba and sira.
ULEARN – Ai device that makes teachers to make educational studies, text, and questions in English language and local languages.
A picture of English recorded in Nigeria English – Ai-Loven Expression Reciton designed to understand Nigeria drawings.
Datacolct – a tower of collecting a straight-to-date of the answer that can understand and associate in African languages.
The real estate of AI earth
This project is the most important parts of different parts including agricultural: Ai can prevent real, soil, and controlling insects in recent languages.
Uploading small businesses: Seller sellers can receive financial planning advice, helping them make the decisions supported by money.
Changes Training: Ai-product equipment can help teachers make their educational learning skills and strength in their languages.
To maintain the culture of Africa
Adekanmbi adatsimikizanso kufunikira kwa chidziwitso chachikhalidwe AI, nati: “Lero’s AI akuwonetsa zikhalidwe za ku Western, kuchokera kuzinthu zakumadzulo, chifukwa cha kumvetsetsa kwa zochita za anthu. Pokhala ku Equalealy, tikuwonetsetsa kuti Ai Ai aphunzire chikhalidwe chathu, moni wathu, miyambo, ndi zilankhulo , and thus serve in groups of Arrum. “
Dugiy’s Future
When the world of the world worldwide world, DSN calls for governments, and circuits, and concerned with those affected, to cooperate with the purpose of proving the languages of Ai.
Anakang says: “When considering the future where the language is a bridge, not a barrier, in a digital country. Whether in Nigeria, Seneamba, or Mozambique, Ai should serve each one.”
Post Nigeria drives sign language in the attachment of the art of the first appearance on Vanguard News.