Nager National National Loads are openly discharged with suspects, Agor -skun, the island State in Ogun State.
The Breauau’s newspaper is left for greased, abandoned by the controller, was attracted to the attention of oil and other criminals in the community.
According to the Naval Base in ez’s, lagos State, under Navy Capy Captinky Oromon, greased in Ogun Community was a user Saturday.
The military command said to send two of about 30 employees, including 2 officers, and five officials from Ogund to the Governor Ogund to hiding.
“The team began to work, which took about hours approximately a boat to the distance of Oke-iskunk.
“When we arrived, a military forces that began to stabilize all the places to set up security and avoiding an invalid opportunity.
“Izi zidatsindika boma kuchokera ku boma la Ogun kuti liziwunika mwatsatanetsatane mafuta osiyidwa bwino, kuwunikiranso kuchuluka kwa kuwonongeka kwa chilengedwe komanso chiopsezo cha pa Naval adati.
“Loweruka, 11 Januwale 2025, Naval Pansi Epe (NB Epe) adalandira nzeru za ku OGUn za mafuta omwe ali pakati pa ogun ndi ondo.
“Following this report, NB EPE, in line with Og State State-AGR-ISK-IOKUN, Numba-Iskun, island that is about 5 miles from the, is known to be criminal limits, “This order added.
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