I recently had the privilege of attending the United States because of experts. There I was there, I went back to bed with my friends; Nigerians who had left home to seek success. Some are mixed with international universities and in a way to live the facilitators. Some pushes the limits of medical surveys on the global organizations. Many are working on high, winners in their factor and show their importance that must be identified and blessed. As I met with them, I noticed something. Their success was not only for hard work and intelligence, where most people in Nigeria live. Their success was directly connected to the rewards of the areas that live. This is the best places not recognized and compulsory. I knew that what made these beautiful people sitting in Nigeria, their achievements to fulfill the achievements that are fulfilled and economical will be near zero. If they were in the way they were eagerly punctual and rewarded.
Identifying this is not just a try. Nigeria is filled with geries from the world, when she returned home, found to be buried in the tomb. Their jobs are not being crushed with flavor or offer of the specified supplies but how they help drive the prepared order. Our unit is researchers with the possible grave, where the best ideas are forced to submit, loaded and tossed and damage to the action. This is not automatically settled. The result is a group that has been organized in order of interest. In Nigeria, even the most educated people feel that they want to work with compassion and rather than pursuing their abilities and skills. The entire system of work is driven by monitoring and favor and nititism. Her employers act as good to them by giving them a job, instead of aware that they need skilled people to build up the agents to build their organizations. These suggestions are one of the reasons to shouts nigeria remains poor and powerless. A non-dishonest color is not winning. The countries achieved financial achievements did not commit this accident. He made the act of the acts of the most thinner of the most. Created the agencies that have received good rewards, which shouts, yields as well as the unstable growth.
But Nigeria leaders of Nigeria are deliberately built and intentionally built order when the titles are required. They have done this because they benefit from this. A group that is built on itself is what leaders respond. It’s what they have power should respect their responsibilities with their skills. In Nigeria, however, the leaders have made a living controlled by means of retention. They have made the world where ordinary citizens are so poor to refuse, a great fear to speak in excess. This is why there are so many fears in Nigeria to upset the wrong people. People are always worrying, worrying that a person who is offended today can rise energy tomorrow and vengeance. This is possible because Nigeria’s strength is not stabbed but on a connection, corruption, and the ability to prepare a broken system. In employees, experts do not need to worry that they may feel abundant because their victory does not depend on favor. They have options. They have security. He has a system that helps them.
But in Nigeria, doing well is not about abilities. Who is for whom. People are advised to pay attention, to be abdominal, to avoid making enemies. Why? Because the plan does not protect talent. Protects the middle. With clear reasons out of the land or to reject the offended life. Why, although Nigeria is making some bright minds on earth, the land remains unnecessary. Talent is not pulling out of which is not important. I usually be told I should be careful about what I say I don’t hurt many people who one day may be helpful or disciplined. But I refuse to live in fear. I refuse to calculate my mind because of a bad system that works well on sypsopy and submission. Should I reject the right to speak true because I can miss the opportunity “in the government? Should I be ignored to join the country? I say to Hell and this.
In contrast to Nigeria, where the success is often willing to kiss, in developed countries, success in health and persistence. No one needs to want you to succeed. You don’t need to absorb the parent to be given a chance. All you need is the ability to save results and the system gives you the reward. This is the way Sosalise worked. This is the way the economy grows. This is the way the nations grow up. Nigeria should be aware of this truth. We will not make progress as a color until we make a plan that gives good reward. Until we destroy the Namotism and favor, we will continue to travel. We need organizations that respect the average person, not communicating. We need employees who appreciate their offerings, not help as beggars. We need a government serving people instead of taking poverty and fear. The biggest truth is that our generation has already settled in these tricks.
But there is hope. We can raise a new Nigeria Age that refuses to be very angry. The generation that is understanding that success does not have to depend on how well you can be successful in the face of the strong but the amount of how much you bring to the table. If we fail to do this, we will continue to make a smart idea that can get better outside our limitations, while Nigeria alone remains with the ability to waste. We have a choice. We can continue to be the type of treating between and masca language, or we can choose to build a world that work hard and skills are respected. Until we choose this, we will be a type of beggars to have the utensils when other groups make progress. And if that truth makes them with unpleasant forces or angry, then it will be the case. Maybe they must be angry to do so.
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999