By Henry of The Diary
Abija Turus of Abija Turus, John cardinal Ontaieka, will warm up political, warnings to fit God’s power, who they condemn.
Home was provided on the 17th district of St. Patrick in the white church, a living camp, warned this force
Seeground, who used to be used to the LIKARON, Committee Committee Computal Computal Commission Commission, LP, a man who has a big hat. We’re so blessed.
“Senator IMEH is not an EDO / Delta but know politics always looking for ways and advertising.
“You’re a lot of welcome to join them. And through you, we come to all the Great Great men whom God has commanded. God has been over them.
“You know? Since the Power and God’s strength is in God’s direction.
“What it means you will give to God as you use this power. People can be unprofitable, as we can all be over.
“That’s why we pray, all that will work in harmony with God’s will – seek righteousness, kindness, kindness, kindness, kindness, peace, and other things.
“Therefore, Senitor, you have a message. I don’t know how to do it for your brothers and sisters. To me, Karrinal, I have done my part.”
No remission of forgiveness, the textbook, was not always ready to ask bad things and he found judgments in judgments.
Iye anati: “Koma mukudziwa kufunsa kuti atikhululukire. Ndipo kuvomereza kumeneku komwe tachita nkovuta kwa ife chifukwa cha kunyada. Timadzinyadira.
“He also can return to court to help you justify. If we do not admit that our sins, we would have asked for forgiveness?”
Cardinal Soninali visited politicians to prevent people from being backed up, either on media or elsewhere, and added that people suffer.
“You can’t stop the people who are suffering. And you know every time you cry, the Lord is listening to you.
“Don’t get tired of crying. I don’t get tired of crying. I’ll continue to cry … this country is enough to make us happy.
“The world has a better life, not any weight. No. God does not handle our needs. God has given us all our needs, ‘” he said.
A Catholic shells, who mentioned the Bible’s suffering from centuries, bear in remembered that the poor were not able to break the Egyptians but God helped them.
Agreement of the Dekododo, “says Egypt,” “I have seen the sight of the Egyptians, and I have found that the earth, and we have made them out of the goodness of milk and honey.”
Archnisop Archbishop, who called to pray that the energy of the Edo / Delta’s energy / can
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