A Pdp Governor Forums announced to be relevant to Sunday UDeh-Okoy as the National secretary of the National Agreement.
The rulers appointed their assembly on 2025 whose month, sorry, Delta State, South-South Nigeria.
There has been the most expensive of the PDP’s real writer, between Samuel Feel Top and the founder of National National youth, Mr Ude-Okoy.
This article is arguing in the courts, including the main Nigeria.
Hold the Crossing Court
On the side of the Court, Cust of Pronicial Court, December, in December, Proclaim the Redemption Mr UDe-Okaye’s National Claimer against Mr.Du.
In the end given at the end of their Friday meeting, governors of PDP said he has provided a habit of retaliating to Mr UDe-Okoy as the real larger secretary.
Advised ADWANTS ADWANTTER (NWC) to meet a court order.
He started to ask NWC to reinstate the international group meeting up to 13 March 2025 from his first day of February.
By destination was a chairman of dogs with a governor of Buel State, Goanam Kachamba Sherif State Bano of Akom State.
Others were ambassador driofel, ambassador, Achmada Dirstes, Ambassada AdFAt of Adful, and the second of the Loor of the State, Bole law.
‘Review Your Finances’
Buch State Governor and Chairman of PDP Forms, Wound Mohammed, has read decorations at a meeting.
Mohammed, while reading the souted, said that the financial view of the president of president wound
“Forums ask Federal Governments to Runisit or suffering by its macroeconce and leaves Nigeria’s difficulties without a good or painful pain.
It encouraged that Nigeria should not be given up to Nigeria’s difficulties, I certify that the problem will be firmly established that PDP returns to energy.
The chairman also decided to reboot a civil attendant in Nigeria and asked Mr tib to encourage the world’s security skills.
The National Secleble’s password.

Mr Foeka, sitting on the site, rose from the 11th-November 2023 Imo State on an unplished tower but the lost-sized tower, I hope upinum tag.
He did not send a letter to jump to the country work.
Meanwhile, in October 2023, Some weeks the decision of IMo, PDP leadership in South-East selected Mr Ude – Okoye to replace Mr Furnage as the National secretary.
A few times say that the area of the National secretary was prescribed to southeastern PDP in 20 oxyena on October 30-October.
By hotter the argument, a large court in the enguurari, in October 2023, ordered to sign up Mr Fishwo as Mr Ude-Okoy. The suit was covered by the old PDP commander.
PDP NDP had been meeting the system by traveling on 24 October 2023.
When traveling, NWC requested a court to give a court, arguing that “was found by hypocrisy and proving that you did other things.
During the background, early in January 2024, Abijal court in Baji proclaimed Mr FoEs as a valid National Ardcription of PDP.
Judge, Thykh, also banned PDP leadership by choosing every person as a National judge to four years at 9 years of Conslations.
In December, Court Court of Cuugu, splitting for Mr Ude-Etoye, a teenage young National, was known as the leader of the part of the Drak of the Drak of the Damawa.
By the judgment of the Ridewan Abdullahi, a spherical court refers to the title of the title and exit as a PDP overseer of AMO State breach of the party’s law, and it still was still.
Even when he judges, Mr fianu refused to enter an office in the ruler.
Mr Ude-oye, on her part, the work that looks at 30th December on the power of judgment.
However, a lazy court officer in Abriean, in January 2025, ordered both of two to save Boo to the Boo courts.
Disrupts of UDeh-Okye and a defined crime in court differently differently.
The Ude-Okoye believes that the Quo’s form means that they should continue to work as a PDP National Secretary of Apile.
A funeral, had strengthened that the court order has a courts of mr UDe-Okoy as the National secretary.
Added: PDP asks a group of CAMPISLISH Plan to return to a party
In recent times, PDP Nationalportern, Deboo Doutolugba and her second, Ibrahim Abdullahi, thought that the earth’s secretary.
MROLologna became Mr Ude-Okye as PDP National secretary, calling the euigu court to judge.
But Mr Abulla told her and showing Mr Kertantu as the Author of the group, I trust the system in Haja.
Each Friday Friday, PDP leadership in South-East Bade again held her support For Mr Ude-Okoy as the National secretary.
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999