Emmah ISMOSO, who speaks in Ngecastia’s Pentecostal Pentecostal (PFN), says no bargains on fellowship.
Mrrong said at the time of discussion by journalists by Callaber when the relationship was ignored under Wale’s Leadership, Soldiers
The speaker, the Bishop and the founder of the Christian Clapen Capel, reported that of ferlectan Billeshanii was trying to destroy damage.
Encouraged what it says that Mr Or Orkey was inadequate, do not qualify for “False and option to think of authors”.
He said fellowship never became an active, an added commentatory of PFN was “Submitting and not taking water”.
“I think the friend did not succeed. I want to tell you that there is no storms to the PFN vulnerability and the Presal President, leading to a relationship with fellowship.
“In his leadership, we have found a great time with cooperation and friendship; never had PFN rejoiced in the relationship as follows,” he said.
In speaking, the President was reached in a relationship that he had a powerful generation of PFN aged.
Describing the President with a man of integrity, and the ability to lead the body to sit on top, he said that God gave him wisdom.
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999