A 38-year-old man accompanied by a fellow, aged 30, imprisoned for the law of the police, the Lagos, because they are said to have a 14-year-old daughter.
CPSP BJAMINAMINER HALLYIN, confirmed this in words found in News Saturday to Lagos.
They thought that they thought they were struggling with the girl to the deeds of the government.
Hurinin said that the survivors of the survivors would say the story on Friday to the articles to be separated.
“The survival mother said that her daughter was divided by her husband and friend.
“The case was transferred from the dentures of Nakender Ikeja.
“The survivor now has nine months pregnancy,” he said.
According to the illustration, the case will be paid to court immediately to check it.
POST POST PAST WANTED FAMILY, A Dirty, Unstable, Unstable, Unattainable, Loading At first, he first appeared on Vanguard News.