Ugawa police launched the survey to be deposed by Nigeria’s cases, who claimed from the third room of the Kampala.
Nigeria U-Try International, which played as a fighter in Ugandan Premier Club SCIPS SCIt was found in a severe injury to the arcade of Arcade’s shop on the morning.
According to police reports, he was going to the Tanzanian friend of a room of Molls.
AFP report indicates that the rulership here is taking CCTVs Feets and make a deep asking for what happened.
Law’s friend, mentioned that and stopped, told the police to leave himself in the house where he was prepared. Later, about 8:00 am, was found down.
“The first reports indicates that the Law came to the shop in his car, the Registration Number UBQ 695g number, meeting Tamania,” police reported.

“According to Naali, left the testimonies in the room and later realized that he fell down.”
The rules ran to Evebbe Revils, where they came from death by.
SC and liabils lie on the funeral
Sciss Spors confirmed the sad news in words:
“We are very sad to announce suddenly and unexpectedly filtered, Abbobra, who left this morning. Our minds and fans, friends, and loved ones, friends, and loved ones, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends,
A letter added that the body was transferred to the hospital to clear to IST SETER, and funeral arrangements to be expressed in time.
Nigeria Collers Coan Kano, where previously played, he said that his words:
“We’re so disappointed with the emergency across the ancient player, Abibotar law.
The contradictions are asking questions
The first reports reported that prophecies died at the fire accidents, but later the police, police realized.
Other sources have caused the anxiety of what they died.
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Nigerian Repliner, Tobiillic Report, who knows the well-being of prophecies, showed suspicion of the first report:
“I was disturbed by a fire accident because I knew that it was a Premium of Uganda, even if she played in Rwanda.” Wrote on his Facebook page
Requires research
And questions about the Savit Seals, has been asked to make the Nigerian government so that they can make sure that it is best research.
“I’m calling Nigeria Governory to check the dead. The Adda Address’s Adda.
Prophecies contacted Scipe sensor in July 2022 losing two seasons and kibanda in Rwanda.
A sudden passing away has left many people suddenly, with lapses in the middle of a ball in Nigeria, Uganda, and more.
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999