This great removal of rivers flows was caused by democracy. A lot of prescribed President can be disturbed. A leader adjusts to unreasonable employment, Modras officers for rules. The question is, or who or who? In a system that is to pay, Nigeria threats are harsh, and politicians are citizens of the President’s fear.
In the latest conversation with other friends, I told us where two political tuesday in Nigeria. The first is an additional issue of additional. The failure of the President and all the Pueziden President of Jonathan Skills of the other people who have explained the third story that was guaranteed in the space and leadership leadership in Nigeria. In the past, General Than Action Been Resigned to Quit Energy in 1976, as a change in Baffraina for a long time and Abacha’s test
The second magazine seems to be established was the announcement of an emergency condition that leads to the removal of the selected officials. In the past, it has a debate story, from an emergency in Western Republic to those who announced the first manager. However, the judgments, especially the Great Court on the opponents of the supervisors, seemed to solve the matter to rest. Your presidential failure Jonathan’s failure to protect an emergency authority from Egyptian Egyptian, even in Benue’s trials and Zalapra, rejected a selected announcement in eight years.
However, recent events has offended me. As a wealth of Nigeria, its political distributes all meetings, not only because of difficulty and gentle, corruption, ignore the law. The policy, rules, judgments, judgments, and before it does not match the Idiosyncratic’s interest of the control force. Otherwise, how does a person express the words that an emergency passes through all the elders?
I have read the contrary to the story, and when I agree with many, I don’t contradict the most of the ones they want to tell others stressful and iniquity. My concern is not a way of doing something. The Association of Nigeria and other commanders described this, but it means that the greatest interpretation of our democracy.
How do you justify the selected instrument and replaced with a written officer? What message does this send? To be honest, I’m not registering to the mind says warriors don’t have a democratic activity; They do, all in work and send-service. He is in the midst of the work, has been received and retained the nation and to help rulers to keep orders and order. When you retire, they have the right to run to the office or accept. Many have contributed to this, from Obayeee to David Mark and many others. However, a direct change of governor chosen by an officer dissolves democracy policy and describes the reasons used by Nigeria Calls.
Doing this also encourages the resentment to driving the demox is also surprised that the President Anxerb, who put himself as a successful manner in Democratic return to the environment, can do this. This is not unusual to rivers of rivers.
The problem has been popular when the leadership was fallen in many of our organizations, from the political japanese not to be chosen leaders and judges. Consignment in the edges of the rivers are well written, and well-known and successful. However, this is not just as Form. Many countries have seen political conflicts between who guided men and engineers or between the political and between their parents. However, such conflicts, no matter how long, do not just justify the selected officer.
One of these difficulties and participation in Nysom Vike, the Minister of Federal Organization. While the President has been porn, frankly, one dimensions, decided to participate in their status. How can such weakness stop? True, some of the ambassador, such as a meeting government, and a few members, and cause people to become more abuse, and invalid. Still, as a breakdown, such as the act, they were useful to be able to weaken or delete themselves. At last, internal President provided a chance and political achievement required for time.
This great removal of rivers flows was caused by democracy. A lot of prescribed President can be disturbed. A leader adjusts to unreasonable employment, Modras officers for rules. The question is, or who or who? In a system that is to pay, Nigeria threats are harsh, and politicians are citizens of the President’s fear.
It’s all embarrassing and foretold that the National world was determined by the Evil Distake. This is not surprising that the meeting has already left her position as a state of representative means to respond to the case. Instead, he withered in a loose time when self-control and discussion reuses democracy. Executive will have its own way, not for reliable, but because it’s always a collection. Chinecary is also encouraged by the number of leaders previously attended, who are nearer and adjusted opinions, to fix the strength of a strong and additional ability.
This illuminates one of the largest items on our democracy: All three branches of the state is difficult in the face. Makhaé · weathers, through his judicial decisions, has provided special justifications for winners, when the legislature has received. By doing so, there is nothing in any organizations that refers to security security seems to be healed.
This is the most difficult time for Nigeria democracy. President Anani, of all persons, should not be one who can take such a part. As Lagos’s governor, it was beneficial for the President. No governor met in Basinini as he did, but even the history of the abomination of political deliverance, he banned doing with Lagos State.
Democracy is not only decisions; It takes contraception. It means respecting the elected personality, world’s laws, and legal removal of the office to the office. Democracy is based on authority, not the power of law. Even when legally legal legishells, it should be well-used and the principle of democracy. President Eni number should consider this. Nigeria can’t afford to change in progress. The future of the democratic democracy involves leaderships that are encouraging, do not cause the most important lines of authority and authority.
Hussine government is a politician, smart and seat of the yiaga Africa.
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999