A representative of representatives arrived on the receipt of the President of the President’s President’s President Tubbulation.
The house said that her members were not received by $ 5,000 each to accept emergency rule in the South Government.
The second second one, Philip Agrese, said this while he tells reporters to Abija Saturday.
Agssee, who represents UDO / Obadigbo / Obadokwababo Conteni State State State, did not say that he said opponents.
There are signs that they were associated with a special article Thursday and press Sahara that the 5,000 and $ 10,000 will accept an emergency control in the rivers.
In the report, The newspaper said Numbs Mad minister Way, a party to rising political rivers, fell to form the laws to establish the law of the President’s President.
Reports are exalted by users on TV users.
However, Acpabius had rejected, it explains this as lies and are prepared by the people who want to happen to him and other boats.
Aww wike had to talk about.
The building acknowledged that an emergency random rules on the same day as Senate.
No economic assistance
Agbase notes that the uses tried to spread lies to distract the house.
He was determined that another idea to help the affliction of a sudden dominance in the house was made fun and protection.
“Such ones in the household of representatives was associated with $ 5,000 to take out, not the best to Parliament. What we did to unite King Solomon,” he said.
The speaker promoted opposition to the election of the building instead of asking this procedure.
“Every prayer where everyone was given the members of the members is nothing but lies from the fire. The opposition should see the good things we are doing day and night.
“Nothing the houses did in each race in accordance with historical profile. The decision has been tested after government laws. Any ideas who protect people who want to neglect the land,” said.
Approved from the world’s Latritism
Agbese said the building did this because of the need of the rules of the rules and water management.
“We’ve seen some of the things in the river. The government does not do bad. But what we say is, we don’t want damage to the organizations as the state is.
“We have taken our ideas as a legal building, not associated with thoughts or ideas on the outside of Nigeria. Yes everywhere.
“As a legal building, our interest is to create a bridge, to ensure our democracy continues to do the democracy.
Titude do not touch democracy
Agsse’s disconnected to worry that the idea of ​​President EniDADENT caused democracy, arguing that the President is a real Democrat, who is dedicated to protect Nigeria organizations.
“We know the President’s President’s Mr. and democracy. He’s fighting our democracy to Nigeria.
“We have been related to the country’s president for two years ago. We’ve realized that it’s a statement of 10. We’ve learned that these problems will solve problems.”
Houses met Quorum in order to choose
Overcome anxiety about the quorum, Mr Abbase proved that the building was achieved by 243 members who have been issued on the authority of the sovereign administration.
However, he was quiet so that the lower room is using the word votes despite the fact that the universe keeps two thirds of each of the following tools.
A few times had been reported 2 National Assembly Homework used Livi votes to accept the President’s state of Moranice President in the flights.
Stage 305 (6b) of Nigeria’s Constitution of Nigeria’s version of Nigeria will suddenly be done with a President you need to be supported by “two-parts of the population of the world.”
However, rather than a vivid vote with law, all these rooms are written, the strategies caused by words, AE “or” leader, “and the adult sees many.
When the movement of an emergency is placed vote, no Senator said “no,” which brought an approved.
Although the word that looks in two boats, some in the Evers, A Person Dickson (Badelsa West) and Ireti Kiiot) spoke to it.
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999