A Personal House Against Authorized NBIA Bank Bank (CBN) to stop the extra money.
This was done because of a balanced navigation system made by Marcus Osubing (Esan Central / West / Invven / Inven Federal State Tuesday.
Mr Oobun said this additional cases will also end up the Nigerian financially losing more money to earn money money money bank.
He said that the Nigeria had already encountered financial difficulties, including financial prices, high fat prices, electricity, electricity, and criminal cases.
A toddler was warned that the amount of aprawaraal cancellations contradicts CBN synthesis.
Walking, “knowing that CBN, freshly fresh, completed to animal advertising in which are described by banks, other economic and unrelated.
“The offer of ATM show has been discarded with free ATMs to ATMs who customer uses other banns.
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“This means promotes additional goods to Nigeria.
“Recognize that the part of the session 10.7
“To reduce ATM money from N65 Naira to N35 on each trip.”
The speaker, Abbas Tajas Tajuuden, and all the house will take the house, promoting CBN to put the amount of ATM paying.
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