“My money is one of the two million hours of worship, the number of n500,000.” How can you fall as a serving minister? On a wide root spread to the sacred songs and miron of miron with a great fortress in Nigeria. With the same spirit held on the hearts of several words of a few minimum number of words. But my goal today has just like a song.
Just as I’m concerned, the selling music has taken the leadership of the Church in the church, which makes the defiled the contamination of Christ’s sacred person. These types of worship (sellers) are shared up to the same Bible sons – holodo and Phinehas and Phinehas.
In 1 Samuel 2:17, the Bible says, “The sin of the sons of Eli was very dangerous in the eyes of Jehovah, because they did Jehovah pardon the sacrifices to Jehovah.” It never happened to Jehovah in the Nigerian church. I was lucky to know the Lord at the beginning of the 80s. There was no time in the Church of the praise and worship of the advertising work and advertising.
Nowadays, a proud, haughty, unwable, unforeruptous, and spiritually inclined, and brightness.
We have lost completely in this section of our work, and early parents in the world should stand against the dangers, normal age followers. Who is the sellers of the following? Many of our brothers and sisters whose faces are adorned by the posters at our meetings and meetings. It’s selling our churches. Sadly, many of them have allowed God to crush the arts of His word as Christ’s ministers that all say they are. With the age of non-carcasic sellers, which all have found safe spaces to sell their most shop. It does not affect the interest of the good news of the Christ, but to build Empires Amgirs and Dirends of the world that will change the money to them.
Cause Causes
But what is the problem? The congregation, our parents, and many are responsible for these danger. Many of the “magical” operas of the pastorals of the shepherds on Nigeria and “I pay my money before I go with some of our parents.
My discussion in Nigeria, related to my many years of my experience, it assures me to me than all exercise that the exercise is firmly established in our church leaders. Here are what I have found from my research on this subject. Our evangelize leaders honor themselves and boast of themselves on their own world; He puts out the surrounding surrounding branches and earn money in the days all the time; They come to the church on Sunday and speaks brightly as they have money; He boasted because of what he had experienced on their last holiday holiday in Bahamas and Hawaii; Delights in their presence of ordinary people and a choice of goods; They ask pastors from other areas of the world and pay the money.
According to my experience, the leaders tell me they are besides these pastors, their activities and their sacrifices to the congregation. He told me that when they were at church every Sunday to hear the mouth – watering the economic success of the shepherd and the church, they may feel used. “We have houses,” he told me. “We studied music in school and grabcing songs like our Global invitation.”
Zotsatira zake, Satana anamumbapo atsogoleri opembedza achichepere, aluso kuti apanduke dongosolo langa, aliyense, mulimonse, kulikonse. “I’m contaminating things, when the pastor ask” Svisttor solutions, “I also have to be torn,” “should be accepted to the airport and a red chanel.” And then the cycle of the trick will continue. In addition and part of our choice of behavior. Nigeria is a type of conditions in culturally and the importance of greed and debris, and political and many people, as well as many work. Financially, which is included in men’s, second, sellers worshiped this and weapons to pull people in software. Therefore, the public services are disappointed by church leaders who later educate them to worship. It’s a connective job, it will also return the mass at my meetings, pay my money.
It is important to tell anyone who cares about to listen to the good of the vision is also better about gander. Your current needs, my debts, and our problems do not, and it will not be indeed indeed not to be damaged by the acceptable rooms of Christ. You cannot know, but what you do is selling God’s grace in your life. It is wrong with God.
To those churches in Nigeria, which is based on saturations of saturation, it is reasonable to ignore and renounce their own correction with any form or behavior. But for every pastor or a church leader who represents Christ, our words in public, and our privacy. It’s bad and Satan to rule them to preach or control that he will lead worship of the congregation.
Ayle Aylele and the chief shepherd of River’s and Product The man who is involved in Olitario, Canada. Can be reached through the [email protected]
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It is important to understand that the music issues cost money, and we are proud to do so in the back of the ban.
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