With Daniel ABia & Davies Iheamnokor
Port Harcourt – The stream of rivers, Sinalari Fubaara, who’s yesterday is not intimidated by the political affairs of the State.
The announcement of Goradi came as Martin’s tape, Assembly, intelligent, intelligent, intelligent, intelligent, intelligent, intelligent, intelligent, intelligent, intelligent, intelligent, intelligent, intelligent, intelligent, intelligent, smarter, smarter from the end of the convention
FEBAARARA, Who spoke on the installation of the Bor Bor Harcourts reported the worst causes that will happen to him and stop the governor.
He said at any time his arrangement requires fulfilling process, the barrier becomes the government to move.
By sustaining his arrangement, the governor said: “How do we have been deleted in this regard, where the world has decided to be managed.
“How much I don’t hear violence, the time has come to choose, I’ll lead the way.
“I’m not afraid of anything; the worst thing that can happen is to leave the office. Am I offering to me there? I don’t worry about it to be done to us.
“I assure you to lead you with respect, I will guide you, and I will guide the integrity, I will have questions if I have come today.
” I want to be proud to protect my responsibility. So, I thank you and assure you that I can’t offend you. “
Before before we talked to a group of people, the philosophy opens the Holy Bible, Philippians 3: 18-19, emphasizing faith and long-suffering.
“For many, who have come to you many times, and tell you crying, that they are enemies of the cross of Christ, which their God is underneath, who cares about the nonsense.”
The Role of Home 48-hours on budget
In the meantime, Martins Awayload the house of the meetings last night offered a 425 hour budget.
Remember, Finbara was on January 2, which was signed by the N1.1 government. After submitting the Victor Oko-Junnura.
However, the Friday court, when the big court was ordered and others to regain as a river members, the house asked Finbara.
At the second part of the second tenth (10), between others, in some of the Counts’ Rescues SC / CV / 1105 I’m sure as follows:
“Just seeking to order at a large court in the United.
” To make the house expects to give up the 2025 noun within 48 hours. To start from the highest court. “
A house that is to the ambassador to the governor, and he also begins to give999 rules for transformation; State State Governments, 2023 and the judgment of the highest points POT: SC / CV or 2043/22324
The letter to the governor was signed by a clutter, which was known as the building on the end of Friday from the week,
“Please be aware that our mind is monitored by the stability of income caused by the lack of money that is not acceptable to rivers.
” We do not want rivers, ‘we do not want the rivers solve problems. As a result, we urge you to act quickly and to do something very important to seek the ideal rivers, “the day you read.
LGA furniture comes out of the office, hands in HLGA
Also, yesterday, the chairman of Port Harcourt City City City City City Icamot, which gave all the goods on the throat of the government administration. Comrade Scroist, who realized that though she was so short but full of beautiful minutes,
“In the early morning (yesterday), I offered a Port City Borcourt Borm Community, Hlga, Comrade Clinichar Armnti, depending on the capital court.
“As people, we believe in the government continues and the third government authority continues with HLGA and other adults who drive the local civilization.
“Despite the shortest of my family, I believe it was written with a beautiful time and updated style, to leave the state of the use before, and make it easier to ventilaterality.
“The truth is that we could not accomplish this much in this way without a good employee.
“Friends we read our popularity of our people. Our praise is surprising and we are grateful that we have the opportunity to be served.
“For the people of Port Harcourt City, your guidance and help led to moving. We’ll always remember your offerings.”
Recall that during the past two years, the government is overcoming political problems, following the argument between Frum, which distributed a government house.
Formation rivers are running: I’m not afraid of anything – fubara first appeared on Vanguard News.