A Protected and exchange wall .
Stumbling refers to non-relevant instructions with unchanged complaint against pus.
Between the Sunday, Dic.
To introduce, a part of a work processing, requires prevention of integrity and protect the consumers.
Authorized permission
December says that the reality of Mainland’s reliability was trustworthy, a large marketing user, and hold fast.
According to the Commissioner, the idea was made under section 38 (4) of money and documents when it’s done, 2007, I reign 34 (1) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e).
The seller reported the company’s failure to follow Redonory instructions and fails to eliminate several complaints as a reform.
Customer’s loyalty was advised to contact the central PLC (CSCS) to lead me by transferring to a different choice.
“In addition, a group of nigerian (ngreg), Icmr), ICMR), all the stores of Capital and all capitalities sent to the company,” said.
Centuris subscribers stopped
In a different fact, a minimum disinfecting dismiss, including its controlrs and support agents, to all of the functions.
Resolatories are invited 38 (4) and sales and securitys, 2007, syllables related to unpredictable complaints with the rules of market.
“All Centurion customers are advised to connect to Africa MpCs to PLC appropriate PLC in sending others,” they said.
The Sec called the market agencies on the market to stop any acts of the Cereas and adults.
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“History and Crop”
As part of its repaired way, now it is published in the names of cmos in “name and shame.
The process was made to prevent the pollution and set up following Refratory.
“By speeding the commitment to a Commission to tolerates zero to zero to be reassessed by the strategies.
“This program will be combined in addition to ulcers / penalties of the type of ISA 2007 and regulations and instructions,” sec.
Dec stated her tightening method means following a fidelity of Nigeria and the Stability of Nigeria market, to protect advertisers, and to keep track of the steady rules and rules.
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999